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Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

AUT63 how i read about it and the very few forum contributions will not do that much either:

A; Dosis is too low
B; Humans are different than rats, mice whatever
I think I'm going to give this Autifony thread a rest for a while (probably a long while)!

Quite frankly I am growing a bit tiresome of the opinions of some members being stated like they were fact and it's getting stupid the amount of misinformation appearing in some of these threads!
The bickering and defensiveness of some when a member asks a genuine question that should demand some genuine answers.
Everyone just needs to take some deep breaths and think before typing!

Probably me included after proof reading this!:grumpy:
To zimichael: I'm sorry but i can't answer to your request of name of Drs or hospital. I can only say that i live and work near Wrightington H. I hven't hearing loss or others disorders. I've concentration's problems on job only when i must read new rules about it. Sometimes problem to fall asleep. lucky this drug made me tired and i can sleep better. I'm on 23th and tinnitus this night is on vs 4/10.
Thanks all and good night

What I don't understand is I went to the same hospital as to what you are referring to last week and I asked a question of the research nurse week that someone asked me to ask on the forum, which was along the lines of, had anyone else had positive results? Her reply (to me) was: "No one else has started taking the tablets yet - you are the only one, so far". So I do not understand how you can already be on day 23/24 of the trial... :confused:

She also said there were a lot more applications since it was advertised in the paper but they were still going through the screening process.
According to my sources, there is no definitive protocol in place at this moment. It is not known if AUT-63 will be curative or if it will require life-long suppressive treatment in order to maintain the effect.

if we do agree that tinnitus is neurological problem, and that AUT63 is treating misfiring in brain that we agree it is neurological issue.

1. How many medicines have PERMANENTLY effectively cured neurological issues?
3. Consider as you say tinnitus is imprinted by plasticity of brain... so what medicine has effectively lowered tinnitus and made that "plasticity go in opposite direction"?

please answer.

We first dont know what is current effect. They say mouses got cured. Somehow human brain seem more complex. Maybe with long term exposure to medicine we can achieve lowering T plasticity, same as we stop so it get back to start state. There is much higher % of medicine been used for life and possible to lose effectiveness.

Honestly as technician, and as we know technology travel much faster then chemistry i hope they will invent device like implant as that thing don't require 8 year testing it shows results directly in very very short time. I hope they make some technological treatment, but they are no interest to do this. First to locate like Jeanmonod has reasons why we get tinnitus, and second to treat malfunctioning part of brain. His operation is expensive but obviously effective.

Maybe some doctor should understand that we did not infection of brain by bacteria to use antibiotic, or virus to use antiviral, och hormone imbalance to use chemical. Brain is a "computer", nerves are computer circuits and digital communication, they dont recover if devastated. So probably true solution is in implant.

BUT i would be happy to get effective AUT63 until more permanent and safe, side effects free solution come...
the same thing has been said to me!!! Maybe they do it to deflect and be sure that the trial is properly conducted!
I happen to have contact with a researcher on the AUT-63 trial. I also happen to have contact with an ENT surgeon on the AM-101 trial. In both cases, they are willing to state if anyone else has been treated at their respective clinics.
Hi guys,took my final dosage at the hospital today,just a couple a points i thought may be of interest
The hearing test produced pretty good results,i had a 20db improvement in the high pitch range,6000 t0 8000,although the audiologist said these fluctuations can happen,

Also the hearing test itself seems to be proving quite a stumbling block in the recruitment of trialees,im still the only participant at the hospital ,well hopefully someone else from here can get on it soon ,and offer you all slightly clearer results than i could! :)
Hi guys,took my final dosage at the hospital today,just a couple a points i thought may be of interest
The hearing test produced pretty good results,i had a 20db improvement in the high pitch range,6000 t0 8000,although the audiologist said these fluctuations can happen,

Also the hearing test itself seems to be proving quite a stumbling block in the recruitment of trialees,im still the only participant at the hospital ,well hopefully someone else from here can get on it soon ,and offer you all slightly clearer results than i could! :)
Thanks for your updates! How is your t level since taking the drug?
I'm not an audiologist but a 20db fluctuation seems kind of high to attribute to a margin of error.
Thanks for your updates! How is your t level since taking the drug?
I'm not an audiologist but a 20db fluctuation seems kind of high to attribute to a margin of error.
Hi Rube, its still the same really,the hearing was,nt put down to error,just a good day?Not sure,was only a brief conversation,having another hearing test there in a couple of weeks
First day of trial i was a 6,last two weeks ive been between 4,3,2,mostly 3,today im a 4,which may be down to spending time in a soundproof room with headphones on,not recommended!:)

So if I dare to conclude from this post of yours; the drug has a positive effect on your T?
First day of trial i was a 6,last two weeks ive been between 4,3,2,mostly 3,today im a 4,which may be down to spending time in a soundproof room with headphones on,not recommended!:)

hi hotspur, thanks for answering questions, glad to see you had improvement. i was wondering:
1. did you get the sense that taking a higher dosages of the drug would give additional improvement?
2. how did you feel after taking the drug? did you feel different at all?
the same thing has been said to me!!! Maybe they do it to deflect and be sure that the trial is properly conducted!

This is horse dung.

If someone running a trial told me I was the only one for something as well "advertised" as this is in the UK press right now, I would be running out the door!!! It would scare the hell out of me, as I would think: Shit, something must be wrong with this, I'm the only one???!!! Bye, I'm outta here!
I've never heard of a clinical trial where they keep it secret that there are other trialees, unless it IS a trial of one, like Rob Gerk who got the GenVec drug in Denver for hearing regeneration.

This is horse dung.

If someone running a trial told me I was the only one for something as well "advertised" as this is in the UK press right now, I would be running out the door!!! It would scare the hell out of me, as I would think: Shit, something must be wrong with this, I'm the only one???!!! Bye, I'm outta here!
I've never heard of a clinical trial where they keep it secret that there are other trialees, unless it IS a trial of one, like Rob Gerk who got the GenVec drug in Denver for hearing regeneration.

Horse dung, yes I'm smelling horse dung as well but I'm not sure where it is located. So many inconsistencies...

I'm agreeing with @RichL , ppl should chill a bit now with these threads and live hoping the best until the trial results are published at the end of summer. It isn't that far away. Calculating probabilities for placebo etc. is pretty much useless and makes people feel worse even though there is no need to.

I'm not saying that trialees shouldn't report here. I'm just saying that we can't form reliable big picture from few anecdotal reports.
Horse dung, yes I'm smelling horse dung as well but I'm not sure where it is located. So many inconsistencies...

I'm agreeing with @RichL , ppl should chill a bit now with these threads and live hoping the best until the trial results are published at the end of summer. It isn't that far away. Calculating probabilities for placebo etc. is pretty much useless and makes people feel worse even though there is no need to.

I'm not saying that trialees shouldn't report here. I'm just saying that we can't form reliable big picture from few anecdotal reports.

Results anyway will come in summer. Preliminary maybe a bit before. And as I understood medicine could be available little bit before 2020.So no need to pressure any participants. ....

So there is no point of accusing anyone of anything, we can be friends here. And results will come out, whether they are good or bad.

Peace to all

I wrote this before, all we can do is wait for real results.
if we do agree that tinnitus is neurological problem, and that AUT63 is treating misfiring in brain that we agree it is neurological issue.

1. How many medicines have PERMANENTLY effectively cured neurological issues?
3. Consider as you say tinnitus is imprinted by plasticity of brain... so what medicine has effectively lowered tinnitus and made that "plasticity go in opposite direction"?

please answer.
I cannot answer, because I don't have the answers to such questions. Nor am I willing to speculate.

You write posts as if they are already determined facts - example:
Drug is not designed to be cure but to be payed and used until rest of life like any epileptic , or medicine for neural disorders.
You may well be right, but since we don't know for sure, I don't see how you can make such a definitive statement.

was the background for my earlier post i.e.
According to my sources, there is no definitive protocol in place at this moment. It is not known if AUT-63 will be curative or if it will require life-long suppressive treatment in order to maintain the effect.
I'd gladly pay the rest of my life if it works:) Here's a simple truth that some may not care for, but they are absolutely working on this medication to generate profit. It wasn't until companies realized there was such a strong demand (ie: profit potential), that they even cared to attempt a cure. I hope they become rich beyond their wildest dreams, because that means I'll finally have silence:)
So if I dare to conclude from this post of yours; the drug has a positive effect on your T?
Hi Robb,as i said earlier their has been a mild improvement but this could well be placebo
hi hotspur, thanks for answering questions, glad to see you had improvement. i was wondering:
1. did you get the sense that taking a higher dosages of the drug would give additional improvement?
2. how did you feel after taking the drug? did you feel different at all?
1 I felt the dosage of four at once was better,if it was the real drug i tolerated it very well,so could imagine i could handle more!
2I felt pretty good whilst taking it,not estatic,but just fine really,i didnt honestly notice any big difference within myself,i suppose for me anyway, the best indication if it was the real drug is if i get the same reading on my hearing test in a couple of weeks
Hi Robb,as i said earlier their has been a mild improvement but this could well be placebo

1 I felt the dosage of four at once was better,if it was the real drug i tolerated it very well,so could imagine i could handle more!
2I felt pretty good whilst taking it,not estatic,but just fine really,i didnt honestly notice any big difference within myself,i suppose for me anyway, the best indication if it was the real drug is if i get the same reading on my hearing test in a couple of weeks

Thanks Hotspur for accuratelty replying. This all sounds like they are giving away smarties the stuff is not strong enough, lets hope its same deal as with AM-101 things get 'tripled'

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