Okay... I have been following the developments about this as of yesterday evening (in a private group on Facebook). I refuse to get drawn into speculation, but, since I have the time this evening and since a member of mine commented on it, and since there appears to be two sources stating the same thing, I will share what little information I have at this point.
It was explained logical how this drug is going to work on potasium channels. If trobalt worked for some people and even cured some of them(I know only few because of the bad side effects people couldn't carry on), then Autifony which is doing the same thing but with less side effects I think it will work.
Not the same thing. Kv3.x and Kv7.x channels are expressed in different body tissues. There is nothing "logical" about the potassium channels in relation to tinnitus (in humans) - at least not until it has been tested in humans. Sorry!
See also this update:
Just a question, if they are really going to stop the trials, I mean they are a big and respectable company, I think they would make this declaration public not telling this to a single person. Right?
They are a respectable, but, not a big company. They are only just through series A financing, and, are still privately held. They are not restricted in the same way a publicly listed stock company has to operate (e.g. Auris Medical AG) incl. release of information.
I am not an expert in these types of specific matters (who is), but it
is possible that the trial has been called off informally. I am basing this on the way the phase-II trial was introduced i.e. a two month delay - or something like that - with no structured communication about it (I was in contact with the CEO and also a researcher of the trial at the time). I can try to contact that researcher tomorrow (if no further information).
So today I have asked Mr. Charles Large (CEO) if he would kindly provide a statement. I have followed up with a separate request to Mr. Giuseppe Alvaro (also). No replies. I am not going to follow-up with any other members as the two mentioned ones are the only people who have the authority to speak on behalf of the company (probably). They are not part of my usual list of contacts, and hence, I do not have any feeling with what their usual response rate is. I can try to follow-up tomorrow with some of my common sources of information, but, it is unlikely that they can help in this particular matter (I think).
In addition, I can mention that results for the phase IIa trial are scheduled by end of year, 2015. It is perhaps (I don't know exactly) possible that they have early/initial assessment of the clinical trial data (or at least enough to draw a conclusion already now).
This is what I know.