Betaserc (Betahistine)

I just started taking 16mg a day after I saw a thread here that someone started & said their T was better with betahistine but I can't find the thread. 3 days now. I have tried a lot of meds for my T. I can't remember most of it. Some was for anxiety & depression also & nothing has made my T better. A lot of it made it worse. I doubt if this will work & I guess I am more desperate than I thought cause I have said many times I'm not going to take the chance with meds anymore as they only cost me $$ & either don't work & make my T worse. I cope alright I should just forget about any "cure" & just carry on. That's what I've found works best for me. This betahistine gives me a bit of a headache also. I guess I'll try to finish these 30 tabs anyway.

By the way, I have recently started taking TURMERIC which my naturopath suggested for joint pain (arthritis) & it has had an effect I didn't imagine. It pretty much cured my depression & anxiety & joint pain. I was hoping it might have an effect on my T also but at least it doesn't make it worse. :)

Just wanted to add that if anyone has joint pain &/or depression do a search for turmeric & depression & joint pain & tonic. You will find it is an amazing spice. I also bet if you did a study you would find people are healthier in India just because of eating turmeric. It is an Indian spice which is in curry for example.

Good luck everyone. (y)
It did not help me at all. I didn't expect it too. I have found what is best for me has been acceptance. Since I've quit stressing over it & a cure it is much easier on me.

Yes please try the Turmeric. I take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach. Some "tonic" recipes say to boil it & or simmer in quantity. I make it one cup at a time & it works fine for me like that. This is my recipe. I heat a coffee cup of water in the microwave. Mix 1/2 tsp. turmeric with 1 tbsp. honey, 1/4 tsp. ginger root, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, some black pepper aprox 5% of turmeric (or some). The black pepper helps the absorption of turmeric.

I have recently added coconut oil to my tonic but that is a short term detox thing for me atm. The important part is the turmeric. The rest is for personal taste mostly although ginger & cinnamon are also good for you.

Good luck! :rockingbanana:
I have bilateral tinnitus of high frequency, without hearing loss, I taking betahistine side effects were:

palpitations in the heart
First 3 days: dizziness
6 days: no dizziness, but ears covered (some minutes)
> 6 days: Tinnitus increases

I was taking 24mg, reduce to 8 mg per day because the tinnitus increase, but it seems that Betahistine accused the source of the problem...

I take it and does not effect my tinnitus but it take it for Menieres...lots of love glynis
I got tinnitus back in 2011 ,at first i freaked out ,i went to the doctor and he told me i cant be treated ,i got really depressed but after a couple of months i decided to go to the doctor again ,she did all the tests and prescribed my neurobion(b conplex ),trimetazidine and betaserc .after a couple of days my tinnitus was reduced to minimal and i got my life back ,but i stoped taking it after a week while she recomended for a month ,now i will start again and see if it will help me again
Trimetazidine (Vastarel) and Betahistine (Betaserc) were prescribed at the same time?
They basically do the same thing (increase blood flow to prevent ischaemia especially in the small blood vessels of the inner ear). Taking them at the same time seems a bit redundant.
Also, Vastarel, if taken in large quantities it might become a potent pro-oxidant. Look out for its interactions with Betaserc.
I'd take only one of the two.

Neurobion, I'm all for that. B vitamins, good precursors of serotonin and GABA, yum-yum.
There is a post around here that mentions someone getting lower T from betahistine but he was a meniere's patient.
The doses he used were extreme though, to say the least. Like 150-200mg per day. Doctor's usually prescribe around 8mg TID.
Hey folks. So scanning around Google trying to read up on Betaserc before starting a new regimen.
Firstly it has been mentioned in previous comments that Betaserc is not available in the US. About 8 years ago I was at an appointment with an audiologist here in the US and I spoke to him about Betaserc and he had not heard about it, and was very interested, and was able to say that for some bizarre reason the drug was not approved by the FDA.
Anyhow, I first got exposed to Betaserc back around 2001 when I was living in Europe at a point in my life where the levels of my tinnitus had drastically increased. I spent a good part of my life in clubs, parties, raves and concerts. And I also deejayed for some years. So, my tinnitus and my hearing loss is definitely self induced.
The tinnitus got bad shortly after a deejay gig at a local club that had a horrible, loud, and distorted sound system. Even a week afterwards the level of the ringing was so pronounced that I had to sleep in my living room so I could sleep with the TV high order to counteract the ringing.
This prompted me to see an audiologist, and was referred to the best in the country. Before he ran an tests even, just listening to my background, he knew what had to be done. He did the tests, and at the end of the appointment he prescribed me Betaserc for the next 10 days. I don't remember the dosage.
But, one thing I have not seen mentioned here in this forum is that there are a few things a person needs to do when undergoing therapy with Betaserc. I was basically told that during the 10 day regimen that I am NOT to drink any caffeine. One cup of tea or coffee a day is a big MAYBE, but don't even do that. No alcohol, and no going to loud environments, meaning; don't go clubbing over the next 10 days.
What he was getting at is that I should refrain from anything that can cause fluctuations on my blood pressure. Now, for all of the naysayers our there, studies in Europe have shown Betaserc has stopped the progression of tinnitus and also reversed to some degree the intensity of tinnitus.
I can honestly say that after the 10 days, and me following all of the doctors orders, I was able to go back to my bed and sleep in relative silence.
Doesn't mean my tinnitus went away, because for some time, I still continued going out to clubs, and concerts. And I was also taking Wellbutrin for a while which is a well know culprit for tinnitus.
But for the most part, tinnitus is something a person that is suffering from it needs to learn how to cope with.
At the end of the day Betaserc did work for me. Let's see what it does for me now, 15 years later.
I take Betahistine but for menieŕes but my tinnitus is still the same but helps with ND symptoms....lots of love glynis
Getting back from the doctors now, been prescribed betahistine and citalopram for my low moods.

Apparently it increases blood flow to the inner ear. Hope this works in at least getting my T back down to a manageable level.
I am taking 8mg of Betahistine 3 times a day and it seems to lessen my tinnitus. I had to take it for 3 or so weeks before I felt any benefit. I have cochlear hydrops and this is the second time I have tried Betahistine. I gave up the first time - higher dose of 16mg x 3 - as it gave me indigestion. I am very glad I persevered this time. I have also reduced salt in my diet.
I like to take extra of the drugs they prescribe the first time I take them, so, bring me, I took extra betahistine like a lot extra. This stuff does exactly what it says. I got a massive throbbing heartbeat going through my head and my ears, total insomnia BUT it was doing what it is labeled to do- increase blood flow specifically in the ears Betahistine acts on receptors that increase vasodilation and it does this action specifically in the ears, this drug is no doubt good for your ears and good for prevention and increasing the blood supply means more nutrients means more healing faster ! Take it for a year and see​
I have been taking Betaserc for over a month now. I talked to my personal physician and he said "Betaserc is the only thing we give for tinnitus, it improves blood flow and circulation in the inner ear" and said that after my 2 months are up, which was the original prescription, that I can get a permanent prescription and I just go to the pharmacy for a refill if it does help me. I don't know if it does help me, but I would assume it does, since it's supposed to improve blood circulation and I haven't had intense ringing that often, only a few bad episodes.
Let me tell you. Betaserc is a myth for being good with tinnitus. Almost all of people who got tinnitus around me tried this and it did also nothing for their T.
I used betaserc 24mg (twice daily) at first 2 months of my tinnitus. It has no effect on me.
Betaserc a drug thats been around for 30 plus years ENT throws them at when they havent a clue and when it comes to Tinnitus ..........they havent a clue ,I dont mind that thats life what I dont like is the way they treat you like a nuisance,I put that down to them not knowing what to offer hence arent in control not good for their Egos

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