I'm gonna keep it short for now as I'm prepping for Kingsday a Dutch national Holiday. So I will only post what was recommended and will post more on the reasons for it later. Let's try to keep a grown up conversation going here
@Christian78 and myself included. I'm just trying to document my experience at the clinic for TT and it's readers, without looking at other people's experiences.

Based on results I was recommended a 4 week treatment course of twice a week sessions. During these sessions I will receive simultaneously TDCS (Transcranial direct-current stimulation) and TRNS (Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation). The total costs for the whole 4 weeks is 320,- Euro's. That's 40,- a session, as it is simultaneous they charge for just 1 of the 2. ****(He did say they hospital was thinking of increasing the costs for simultaneous sessions to 60,- in the near future, also said he wouldn't cooperate with that.

.) After this course another qEEG check -up (if you want so) for 140,=. So a total of 320 course, 140 optional post treatment check = 460,=
Off-course travel costs would be different for all of us; but if you wanna know in my case it's, 30 on gas up & down + 4 on parking.
On another note he also said he heard there was something going round on the internet that treatments there would cost as much as 3200,- which is false he said. I told him I would make sure at least people on TT would know this was not the case.
He said this like most of treatments they offer work on half of subjects. The ones it works on some times need to come back regularly for 1 or 2 sessions, but there also people that come back after 2 or 3 years wanting another course. On the other ones it keeps working or they just haven't come back yet he said. So based on the what i think is more than reasonable costs im gonna try this. This I will do probably in June, July or maybe even August as I have work to consider.
More later.