@Vaba. I do have sudafed so if the mucinex don't work I'll take that. I've been sick since memorial day and it seems my ears are always the last to heal.
Yep, you're absolutely right. They're a sealed system, the only way for fluid and pressure to get out of the middle ear is by the Eustachian tubes! If they're swollen and plugged up, nothing can leave, and they're so small that they're often the last thing to clear up. Colds both inflame your sinuses and plug them up with mucus, a double no-no for the tubes. Just give them time and relax, eventually the swelling will go down and they will feel better. You can speed the process up with medication.
By the way, Mucinex is better for chest congestion, Sudafed is a stimulant that is far better for sinus congestion (as
@LadyDi implied). I, personally, am immune to the mental effects of medications including stimulants because of a decade on antidepressants while using heavy amounts of caffeine, but Sudafed is a stimulant for most people.
I want you to remember though, if you decide to take it, Sudafed can't hurt you. I took 3x more than I should have when I had my head cold (my ears were REALLY plugged). It's a common, mild medication used thousands of times each day. It may stimulate you a little and raise your heart rate (it did this to me but I didn't care), don't let this freak you out. It mean's the medication's working. You have no need to worry unless you have congestive heart failure, which I'm sure you don't, you'll be fine!