Can Swimming Make Tinnitus Worse?


Mar 31, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I like to go swimming a few times a week. I've gone quite a lot of times since the onset of the tinnitus because I didn't believe it could do any damage and I can't hear it when I swim so it's a nice escape. I don't like to wear earplugs when I swim because they feel uncomfortable.

I do avoid putting my head underwater but naturally some water is going to get in the ear canal so basically what I'm saying is, can this pool water damage the ear and increase the sound of tinnitus?
I would wear ear swim plugs just to protect you from ear infections and when diving in etc.
Love glynis
Hi saw your thread and can relate, have also been suffering with T, going slowly crazy but have found swimming an amazing release from the constant noise and a chance to feel normal once again.
Have also found running and cycling a good release from the noise.
I don't use ear plugs but have found that the water helps to clean the wax after finishing swimming.
Have tried pools, lakes and sea, if anything, swimming has helped to reduce the effect of constant ringing in my head and regain the chance of feeling normal for a short period.
You won't know if it's going to help you until you try, so my opinion is try everything and then some!
Ironic to see this post, I just went swimming today! I had intended to not get water in my ears, but ended up slipping while playing with my kids. Came out of the water and could immediately feel very warm water come out of my bad ear, but in my good ear the water felt the same temperature as the pool. I hope my description makes sense; it was such an odd sensation. It gave me a flashback to having swimmers ear as a kid and for some reason the water always felt warm to me when it finally came out.

My ears feel normal now, doesn't feel like any water is trapped. I'm not sure if I will get ear plugs for swimming.

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