Hi Ben,
What you do is precisely what you did to adjust to the sound in your right ear. (in my opinion)
Mine started in my right ear, then the central t, now noise in left ear too.
Remember its a symptom of an error in your auditory circuit, and it is generated in your brain. You simply perceive it in your ear/s.
Also remember that the noise is totally harmless. Aside from distressing/annoying you, the noise itself isn't going to hurt you.
There is a really good section on insomnia at
it states that t doesn't keep you awake, anxiety does. I didn't think this to begin with, but totally agree with this now.
so its about managing your anxiety and getting quality sleep.
what did you do about your anxiety 5 months ago that helped you get off to sleep?
for me, I tried various things such as music, hypno cds, natural sleep aides....with limited success...
I like to sleep with a fan, and to be tired before I lay down...
I used diazepam twice in the beginning (2 months ago) to relax me, but haven't needed it since.
I am doing hypnotherapy weekly along with listening to cds and that is really helping with managing my anxiety and the noise sensitivity.
remember its normal to have fluctuations in your sounds and volume. it is a viscious cycle, since the more anxious you allow yourself to become, the more intrusive your symptom may seem. you must make sleep and anxiety management a priority.
also, you are new to t still
from what ive read and been told by others, its not abnormal for tones to change and switch from side to side.
this is normal.
it will settle when you settle.......focus on things that relax you if you can...its going to be just fine!
have you got some sleeping aides? nice music? white noise? exercising helps burn off stress hormones that alleviate anxiety?