Hello all, I've had a tinnitus for about 16 years now and for the most part it hasn't impacted me that much. About a year ago I had a really bad spike and just now it is starting to come down to where it was with the addition of a new cicada sound. Anyway, I'm doing a lot better today than a year ago. But, over the last week I've started to realize my worst fear. I have a 4 year old little girl who is as sweet and friendly as can be. I'm also nervous about her ears because after this last year tinnitus is the last thing I want for her. A few days ago I saw her tugging on her ear and I asked if she was ok. She said she was but I asked do you hear anything in your ears? I've asked her that before and she always said "no" but this time she said "yes". I asked what she hears and she said it's like "beep, beep, beep". Then she says I always hear it and it's "ok" and that she only really hears it when she tries to sleep (she is a good sleeper) and reads a book. I tried not to make a big deal about it because if she is "ok" I don't want to bring any attention to it and have her worry about it. Also, I wasn't sure if she really had it or just heard me talking about it before. Fast forward a week and tonight someone yelled in the room and I saw here put her fingers in her ears. I asked if her ears hurt and she said "no". I asked if she still heard the "beep, beep, beep" and she said "yes and it will be forever". She then told me that it isn't that loud and nobody can hear it but her. My stomach dropped! She truly is an amazingly sweet girl and very active and her teachers say she really does not have any problems when it comes to focusing. I don't want this to have a negative impact on her life. Have any of you ever had or known of a child with Pulsatile Tinnitus? Could this be something she grows out of? This appears to be effecting me more than her so should I just let it go and hope it never gets to the point where it bothers here?