@Arseny -- Be glad to talk, but your neuro is the one for treatment advice.
I suppose this was noted by MRI or was just a judgement made by CT?
Was the test ordered by an ENT or a neuro?
If you have neck pain with several sorts of ear problems starting to develop with severe headaches then be careful with straining you neck more. If you are having dizziness, hand coordination problems, and most important vomiting and swallowing problems then talk to your GP soon.
If it's primary then it's probably related with fetal development or congenital.
If it's secondary caused later in life, then disease, injury or infection may have involvement. More likely Type I is from an accident.
Type II usually develops during childhood.
Could you mention a possible accident if known, an infection. Over and above a Chiari, did any neck arteries show concern?
We can talk by PM conversation. I can contact you or you write to me.
Knowing your age is important.
Could you send me a PM?
ENT told me to do a brain MRI back in October and it gave me severe noise induced tinnitus and hyperacusis.
I didn't do angio MRI.
I had severe 24/7 tension headaches and migraines with aura in November and they got much better with HBOT.
They return after each spike. I suppose it's some sort of neuropathic pain linked to hyperacusis. Since everytime hyperacusis comes back it brings back headaches. And with time they both get better.
I have experienced 2 episodes of severe vertigo with everything in vision shaking from side to side with amplitude of 1-2 inches.
When I tilt my head back doctors say my eyes are kinda jumpy when I try to follow and object meaning there is a problem with neck blood flow.
I have had somatic pulsatile tinnitus in right ear for quite a long time now, I think more than a year. Now it's worse than ever, even a slight misalignment of my neck causes me to hear a loud blood whoosh in my right ear.
Doctor put me on diuretics and some stuff for the veins.
Doctor things that Chiari and neck problems come from my birth trauma.
I had Epstein-Barr virus in 2015 (severe case) and developed CFS after that.
I had a brain hemorrhage in right side of the brain when I was less than a month old.
Now right ear is getting worse for some reason. After each noise exposure tinnitus spikes and left ear (where I had problems initially) goes back to baseline, however right ear stays on elevated level. In last 1.5 months I've gone from exteremly mild tinnitus in right ear (can only be heard with earplugs in completely silent room) to moderate tinnitus with Morse code (I had it in left ear when tinnitus started at first) and white noise.
In the past week a had a few days when tinnitus in right ear was 1.5-2 times louder than left ear... Most of blood flow issues are located on right side.
After all treatments audiogram shows 10 dB across all frequencies up to 16000 Hz. OAE and DPOAE are normal.
It seems that I can somewhat modulate noise induced tinnitus with neck and body movements.
Hissing head noise can wary a lot and it's much worse if I have high BP or the weather is bad.
I'm only 22...