@Steph1710 are you doing better?
Hi my lovely!
Yes, actually I am doing much, much better. I have felt sick the past two days, but that's because I have intracranial hypertension, but my cold has finally dissipated!
I have also had my contract at work extended. They asked me to stay on with them longer. Though I am unsure whether I want to yet. I haven't signed the new contract.
You see, I have been offered other work with an architectural conservation company, which is what I really want.
At the moment I work in museum and gallery exhibition design - though by qualification, I am an Architectural Historian. So, I might work where I am now, up until January, then leave.
It is strange to think that I was once a girl who lived on the streets, and never went to school.
Anyway, how are you?? I have just read that your neighbours are being arseholes.

I have lived in apartments, and it's always the same. I'm super noise sensitive as well, so the sounds of others used to drive me crazy!
You should do what I have done, and convert a van to live in. That way, you can choose whether you have neighbours or not.
How have you been health wise? That's both mentally and physically? My mental health has taken a battering the past few weeks, but I am slowly feeling better.. until the next period.
I forgot to ask before, but
@Exit, what do you do for work? And are you still working?