Chatting nonsense and sharing bird pics with you people here is a great part of my day, thank you!
Definitely. Especially high school. Growing in the Marijuana capital of the world didn't really help me being a responsible teenager. The word 'haze' has a double meaning here

What about the interview with Kopke and Demoss? I haven't seen it (yet).
Hmm. My ears can be really unpredictable... I guess my sound intolerance and ear pain improved slightly over the months, but it seems as though I might've 'invented' somatic hyperacusis (if that wasn't a thing already). I can aggravate my hyperacusis ear pain with many neck movements (e.g. turning head left and right). These pain attacks can be
really incapacitating. As in, wanting to lie down in fetal position and beg for mercy incapacitating. Ugh.
I was actually kind of surprised to find other Airbender lovers on the forum, but I'm glad I did hehe.