@jeannie From readings, neck tinnitus can consist of loss of normal lordosis ( c spine with a twist) and muscular tension in the upper part of the trapezius muscle. The loss of normal lordosis can be caused by an accident or from tension from the trapezius muscle. Forward head bending is often a reason. From this blood flow can be restricted and soreness to other neck muscles, veins, nerves as well as headaches.
From readings, the safest place to start using a hand massager is at the area of the trapezius muscle on the shoulders to the edge of the neck. If some relief from doing this happens, then after a few sessions, some then move to the sides of the neck.
I often get some relief for a hour or two from using the massager on my shoulders to the bottom of the neck. An exercise: Moving neck to each side 20 times a day at a 40 to 45 degree angle may help correct any c spine problems and then relieve tension from other muscles, veins and nerves. Since I have severe problems it may take 0ne to two years before any lasting results from either of these two methods. I hope for you that you see fast relief.