Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

Hi, my friend.

How long have you been using Carbamazepine? Do you have any thoughts on it as a possible fix for tinnitus?

Take care.
Hi, my friend.

I've written about this in different threads, though I've probably forgotten where by now. But here are the key points:

For me, anything with GABAergic properties has a profound short-term positive effect on both my tinnitus and noxacusis. Benzos, Baclofen (GABA B), and Carbamazepine all seem to have a similar effect. You have to dig a little to find that Carbamazepine is a GABAergic drug since it is primarily known for its sodium channel modulating properties. But I can tell you from experience that Carbamazepine's "brother" from a non GABAergic "mother," Oxcarbazepine, did absolutely nothing!

Even though Carbamazepine might not be as addictive as benzos or possibly Baclofen, it is a unique medication in that it strongly induces our most common liver enzyme CYP3A4. This means other medications you are taking may stop working, which was bad news for me since I take multiple drugs. Be sure to check for interactions before using it. Out of all the drugs I have tried, this one had the strongest impact not just on my tinnitus but even more so on my noxacusis.

grate_biff ;)
I recently tried Clonazepam to treat my tinnitus, anxiety, and improve my sleep. I found that it does nothing for my severe spikes (7–8 out of 10), but for moderate ringing, it does reduce the volume noticeably.

However, it takes hours to take effect, and the relief is only temporary. Once the drug wears off, the tinnitus returns to whatever volume it was before.

It does help with anxiety—it basically knocks you out—so it initially helped with sleep. But you build up a tolerance quickly, meaning you'd need to keep increasing the dose to maintain any benefits.

Taking benzos all day just to chase a mild reduction in tinnitus probably isn't worth it, so I'm done. I track my tinnitus on a calendar, and I noticed more bad days during the month I was on them. It might have even made things worse while I was taking them.
Hi, my friend.

I've written about this in different threads, though I've probably forgotten where by now. But here are the key points:

For me, anything with GABAergic properties has a profound short-term positive effect on both my tinnitus and noxacusis. Benzos, Baclofen (GABA B), and Carbamazepine all seem to have a similar effect. You have to dig a little to find that Carbamazepine is a GABAergic drug since it is primarily known for its sodium channel modulating properties. But I can tell you from experience that Carbamazepine's "brother" from a non GABAergic "mother," Oxcarbazepine, did absolutely nothing!

Even though Carbamazepine might not be as addictive as benzos or possibly Baclofen, it is a unique medication in that it strongly induces our most common liver enzyme CYP3A4. This means other medications you are taking may stop working, which was bad news for me since I take multiple drugs. Be sure to check for interactions before using it. Out of all the drugs I have tried, this one had the strongest impact not just on my tinnitus but even more so on my noxacusis.

grate_biff ;)
This is really hard. I practice being stoic, loving my family, and loving the world, yet I have to contend with profound hearing loss and loud tinnitus 24 hours a day.

I aim to go three weeks without medication, but if I fall short at two, I go to the pharmacy and take up to 70 milligrams of Valium, not all at once but over several hours. I then sleep, and the next day I usually feel very relaxed, though occasionally unhinged and aggressive. I exercise every day, so I am lean and strong, but sometimes I just need a break. Maybe I should start meditating or find something else to break this cycle. Head massages help.

Thanks for letting me vent. Being handicapped is tough, and I know we are not alone.

The research thread is a ghost town. Maybe one day I will try a device like a hearing aid, but I am terrified of putting anything in my ear except foam.

That said, somehow I am happy, touch wood. I hope you can find some joy too.

Come to Laos if you have time, or I will see you in Norway.

Hugs, love, and peace to my friend.
I go to the pharmacy and take up to 70 milligrams of Valium
Be careful. I am struggling with what feels like an endless battle to get off that stuff.

It is admirable that you are staying in good mental health and that you care for others 🙂.

I would love to visit Laos one day. I have not traveled since 2014!

Wishing you all the best!

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