I agree that TRT is a scam. At first, I thought it was viable. However, I looked deeper at the science and found the following:I hope one day we get real treatments instead of fake ones like CBT and TRT. We're people who count natural remission as the "treatment " helping. If TRT or CBT helped you, you would have been able to do it just the same without it. Like people saying they couldn't have done this or that without God, they could have. Wild. Give yourself and your body some credit. It wasn't TRT or CBT that did it. It was you.
If you can mind over matter and power through the damage you have by putting more sound in your system, you just aren't that bad, and you are lucky. It's so dangerous to promote TRT as a treatment, and talk therapy/CBT is just that. Positive thinking can't change the level of damage you have. Damage control is better than TRT. Time, quiet, rest, and as much sleep as possible, as well as avoiding medications that can make tinnitus worse, are your safest options.
I get pain, and my tinnitus increases from every sound. Let's put more sound in & just think positively about my body getting more and more damaged! Regular sounds can't hurt me. What a crock.
1) It's not supported. It has succeeded in 1 trial and failed in most. A quick meta-analysis would show that it's ineffective.
2) I have only seen some anecdotal evidence, which, as you say, without the same person cloning to have a placebo, is meaningless. Habituation and time could have played a role. The people claiming success have no placebo to rule out the above.
3) It's not recommended on the NHS.
So that leaves CBT, which isn't a treatment but is recommended to help with psychological distress and help manage the condition. Would you give CBT a go?