I spent a night this week going over songs in my favorites and many of them are kind of oldies, I will admit. But musicianship and artistry was imo higher than much of today's' offerings.
Anyway, to my surprise there were many with good tonal qualities and harmonics suitable for helping calm my T and train my ears, and make me feel good.
So, below, is
Emerson, Lake &Palmer's "From the Beginning."
The acoustic guitar really rings with harmonics, say every 300Hz, like the Carol of the Bells above, but closer together and not so much decay, all pretty bright and equal height. At 3 minutes you can hear a synthesizer come in, and even though it's main tones are at 3-5kH, there are some interesting peaks at 6-9k which is in my sweet spot.
Acoustic Guitar
Voice when singer holds "Here" at 1:10
Also to note, in the code section below the youtube windows, I put the link for one with the BEST sounding version, all the way up to 20kHz, but I'm not a fan of the quieter and muted 2nd "alternate" version it presents.
And also to note, I listened to many version at yt and used my frequency analyzer and many cut off at 11khz, and some are poor quality in general. So that aside, below are in my opinion, the best
Example of the "BEST" one (below in code section) which has sounds up to 29kHz
EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER ( ELP ) - FROM THE BEGINNING - Trilogy (1972) HiDef :: SOTW #187
Honorable mention solely due to vinyl recording playback and yt codec problem not cutting it off
And, as is becoming clear to me, I like music with audio that is bright and peaky. I think it exercises my ears and lets them relax as the sound pulses up and down to zero. Better than a 'white noise' static which some music tends toward. Also,I definitely like music for the soul that lifts me up on the inside. Or that helps me process what's inside .
Anyway, to my surprise there were many with good tonal qualities and harmonics suitable for helping calm my T and train my ears, and make me feel good.
So, below, is
Emerson, Lake &Palmer's "From the Beginning."
The acoustic guitar really rings with harmonics, say every 300Hz, like the Carol of the Bells above, but closer together and not so much decay, all pretty bright and equal height. At 3 minutes you can hear a synthesizer come in, and even though it's main tones are at 3-5kH, there are some interesting peaks at 6-9k which is in my sweet spot.
Acoustic Guitar
Voice when singer holds "Here" at 1:10
Also to note, in the code section below the youtube windows, I put the link for one with the BEST sounding version, all the way up to 20kHz, but I'm not a fan of the quieter and muted 2nd "alternate" version it presents.
And also to note, I listened to many version at yt and used my frequency analyzer and many cut off at 11khz, and some are poor quality in general. So that aside, below are in my opinion, the best
Example of the "BEST" one (below in code section) which has sounds up to 29kHz
BEST AUDIO, first 3 minutes. Up to 20khz
EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER - FROM THE BEGINNING (Original Version + Alternate Version)
EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER ( ELP ) - FROM THE BEGINNING - Trilogy (1972) HiDef :: SOTW #187
Accurate music to 16k ish
EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER ( ELP ) - FROM THE BEGINNING - Trilogy (1972) HiDef :: SOTW #187
Similar to above
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - From the Beginning HD
Orangey background
Honorable mention solely due to vinyl recording playback and yt codec problem not cutting it off
Emerson Lake and Palmer - From the Beginning
And, as is becoming clear to me, I like music with audio that is bright and peaky. I think it exercises my ears and lets them relax as the sound pulses up and down to zero. Better than a 'white noise' static which some music tends toward. Also,I definitely like music for the soul that lifts me up on the inside. Or that helps me process what's inside .