I am wondering when my left ear will heal.

It's sore and has light popping.
Also, the amplification seems to happen more often. Sporadically, sounds in my apartment are amplified. It only happens in there, I think.
I don't see any reason to go on with this. The tinnitus is loud and piercing, I have ear pain and my ears don't ever feel normal.
I can't seem to wear ear plugs or muffs, the plugs cause pain especially in the ear canal area and I even had difficulty inserting them last time I tried.
The muffs cause ear discomfort and then eventually the ear is in severe pain. The muffs are Peltor X4A so they are pretty tight and have lots of suction. Some people here do fine with them and some don't but I don't know if they have the same problems I have with them.
I have tried various ear plugs. I don't know what to do.
Sometimes, you have to protect yourself from noise but how do I?!?
I carry my muffs with me as a last resort when I have no choice but I would like to find a better plan. Why can't my ears be normal?