Why is your neurologist is so persistant in the fact that it cannot be somatic t. Does he has a reason to believe its not? I mean, yeah we dont know for sure that it is somatic t and there is still a possibility that it is from the concussion or something else. But its a bit fast to jump on conclusions.
Btw how are the tests going?
The question for treatment of tinnitus is best asked at a doctor who specialises in tinnitus. I can only give suggestions. For me personally physio helps a lot. My physio has a specialisation in neuro. You can try it but it doesnt garantuee that it will help for you. But i do believe that if someone doesnt try, they can miss the opportunity of possible help. Then again there is still the possibilty it just fades away in time. There are some things you can do yourself to help the healing proces. Be mindfull about posture, put some ice or heat packs on the sore places, healthy diet,...
I do believe we can manage these things by ourself for a good part. I think the best advice i can give, is to have patience.
I dont know if health care is expensive where you live? Where i live treatment is largely funded by the goverment so i have the luxery to try something out without much expense. I know this is a big problem in some other countries. But if you can spare the money, you can try to get an appointment with a tinnitus specialist.