[Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy


First off I want to say WAY TO GO!

Thank you so much for taking the initiative for this cause. I know it is what Danny would have wanted and I'd like to think that he's in a better place now, cheering you on.

That being said, I agree with you, please don't let this die. Don't let Danny become just another sad story that's mourned today and forgotten tomorrow. Don't let my story become like that. Don't let any of our stories fade away.

I, for one, am tired of letting the world/doctors/fellow sufferers/etc tell us all to take this crap lying down and silent.
We have all suffered far too much for too long for that.

I wanna let you know, that however I can help, count me in. I already educate people or put people on the path to educating themselves about tinnitus almost every day; even people I've met for the first time and my not ever meet again. Even doctors lol!

Seriously, count me in. I hope other members step up to the plate as well. If the anyone wants to sit back and cry, I don't begrudge you for that. I've been doing that on and off for the past 4+ years. But if anyone wants to do something while they're crying, now's the time.

Having trouble making donation. When I click the orange bar to continue it won't let me, but it did the first time.

Having trouble making donation. When I click the orange bar to continue it won't let me, but it did the first time.

It's still working for me, Glynis. Is it the final step that's not working for you? When you click to donate the money?

If so, have you tried deleting your cache?

I tried to donate £15 three times tonight.

Just would not let me click the continue bar for payment option...

Will try again in the morning.

I tried to donate £15 three times tonight.

Just would not let me click the continue bar for payment option...

Will try again in the morning.

I'd try deleting your internet cache, Glynis. I just donated and it worked fine.
Just tried and it does let me donate now but my PayPal password doesn't work.

Will reset the password in the morning as I need to go to bed... Hubby went ages ago... lol
It would be lovely if you could make a donation to Daniel's Memorial Fund.

For members new to Tinnitus Talk, @Danny Boy was a much loved member here. He was very helpful and gave great advice.

We are trying to raise money towards research as Daniel was really interested in it.

We can feel proud knowing we did something in his honour.

Thank you for reading too!

love glynis
Why does it say on your profile:

"Cause of Tinnitus:
progressive tinnitus, time of expiring in next 3-6 months"

Does this mean your tinnitus is fading away??
My tinnitus is just getting worse and worse, I have almost doubled the medications I use to sleep, and they honestly just cause shallow sleep and nightmares.

My life has faded away. If there is God or some force I pray and I beg I don't wake up tomorrow morning or that some quick death finds me.
My tinnitus is just getting worse and worse, I have almost doubled the medications I use to sleep, and they honestly just cause shallow sleep and nightmares.

My life has faded away. If there is God or some force I pray and I beg I don't wake up tomorrow morning or that some quick death finds me.

:( I am so sorry :( :(
I shared it on a Danish tinnitus Facebook page. And on my own Facebook page of course.
I know this is very difficult for you. Please hold on.

Don't hurt yourself. You do not want that. I know you want your life back. This thing is not impossible. Forget the medical community, they are a dumbass machine. We can take our fate into our own hands.

That FX-322 stuff works on a process called notch inhibition. THERE ARE NATURALLY OCCURRING NOTCH INHIBITORS.

This is all things that have been discovered in that last 1-4 years and capitalist big pharma is not going to be interested in a natural solution. They need it to be expensive lab chemicals that go through multimillion dollar developments so they can turn around and make profits.

What if all we have to do is find some plant that has a non-toxic notch inhibitor compound and orally ingest enough to induce PCA regeneration? That's how the mouse study worked with the toxic notch inhibitor, LY411575. They administered it orally, but it hurt the mice, but it also restored their hearing. So intratympanic ear injections are not the only method of doing this. Therefore a non-toxic naturally occurring one may also do the same thing without toxic side effects. Just search google for natural notch inhibitors. Don't be overwhelmed.

Even if we fail to figure this out on our own, this FX-322 may also cure us, but it will take longer. There may be a light at the end of this horrible tunnel.

Please have hope. The world needs you. We are all in this together.
I just logged on here and saw a few fellow members recently passed away. I am extremely saddened to hear this and wish a lot of strength to the families left behind.
Thanks for all the recent donations everyone (to all from here). We have gained a bit of momentum again in the last two days since the BTA, Tinnitus Hub, and various other people have reshared the campaign.

Who's up for one big push to get us towards 10k or maybe beyond? Remember there's no shame in donating £5, but if money really is too tight to donate anything, then don't feel guilty you can help just as much by liking, sharing, and commenting on it all over social media. Spread the word folks! Let's help make a real difference.

Once you've donated you can head over here and help us decide where it should go:

Keep donating folks and let's try and reach the £5k milestone in Danny's name. The money will be awarded as a grant for biomedical research purposes, so the more we raise, the more of an impact it will have.

As far as I'm aware, this is the first community effort to directly fund tinnitus research. It's a great achievement by all involved so I'd like to thank you all!


My tinnitus is just getting worse and worse, I have almost doubled the medications I use to sleep, and they honestly just cause shallow sleep and nightmares.

My life has faded away. If there is God or some force I pray and I beg I don't wake up tomorrow morning or that some quick death finds me.
Are you saying you are going to off yourself soon?
I donated, and I never do because I don't believe the money gets put to good use, here is hoping I am wrong.
Gave what I can. I hope it can get us closer to 5000.
Thanks everyone for donating! I have donated just now. It's not much, but I put aside what I can when I can. I plan on donating soon again. I trust that the money will go to a good cause. I think this is the beginning of something good and beautiful.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but who is getting the money?

I read something about student grant applications for it or something?

Whatttt, I'm confused.

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