Depression and Aches/Pains


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Jul 20, 2015
Tinnitus Since
I should really go and see a Dr, but my case is really complicated and your average GP wouldn't have a clue. I'm waiting until I've seen my consultant on March 24th about my chest problems. I don't really want to go into detail again but I know many of you already know my story.

I'm not sure if it's all in my head, but I've become obsessed with the sensation in my chest. I wouldn't consider it pain, although there is a kind of burning sensation that comes and goes. It's mainly an aching sensation, it's bizarre and hard to describe. I've found myself limiting my movements to avoid feeling certain sensations in my chest and it's driving me mad.

I'm spending more and more time in bed because I don't wanna feel the sensations in my chest when I get up.

It sounds crazy, I know, but I'm at a stage where I'm not sure if it's always felt like this and it's all in my head (hyperfocusing, hyperstimulation etc), or if something has changed and I'm feeling real physical symptoms.

I just wish my appointment was tomorrow. March 24th seems a lifetime away when the distress is this high.
Hi Ed

I would suggest keeping busy, distraction and using your body normally:

A. If your pain is not that bad/real your awareness will gradually shift onto something else until it will stop being an issue and when you remember about it your brain will dismiss it.
B. If it is actual pain or real weird sensation it will either heal or get treated?

Watching the sound programme episode 1...

Stay strong, not long to go before the appointment x
Hi Ed

I would suggest keeping busy, distraction and using your body normally:

A. If your pain is not that bad/real your awareness will gradually shift onto something else until it will stop being an issue and when you remember about it your brain will dismiss it.
B. If it is actual pain or real weird sensation it will either heal or get treated?

Watching the sound programme episode 1...

Stay strong, not long to go before the appointment x

Thanks Candy. You're right, but my mind is all over the place telling me it could be an infection, or there's something going on where the bones healed.

I think the anxiety that tinnitus gave me has probably run wild. Now that I've stopped worrying and thinking about tinnitus, it's almost like my mind won't rest and is saying let's worry about this instead now.

I started noticing it around two months ago, and I remember thinking my chest feels odd today but carried on and forget about it. Id have episodes where it would come and go and I thought this is definitely stress and it's in my head. Then over the last few weeks it's like a switch was flicked and I just lost it. Now I'm obsessed with it full time.
Understandable, you have an underlying worry which is snowballing, but once it gets investigated you will hopefully get a resolution...
Chest pain is a very common symptom of depression. I suffer from it myself. Depression can cause physical symptoms. It's important to be checked by a professional (not sure what country you're in, but in my country, if you say you're suffering chest pains in the hospital, you'll usually be checked over right away) to rule out anything, and if it is the depression bringing it on, then it's important to remember that - though painful and annoying - it isn't going to damage you. I know how difficult it is to get out of bed, I've spent days in bed banging my head against the wall in fear, but you need to drag yourself up and get into the shower. I pray in the morning for the strength to get through the day, and do my best to be positive. It's one day at a time. Good luck!
Hi Ed,

I had some weird sensations in my fingers and left part of my chest when my anxiety was at it's worst. It 80% went away.

Felt 100% "real" and scared the **** out of me as I had a concussion around that time (sensations appeared before the concussion) and I was afraid of some lasting consequences of said head injury.

The feeling never came back to my fingers, my chest has this "electric current burning/tickling" sensation from time to time.

I hope it's just anxiety in your case.

My anxiety is up today too, but Ed, don't forget - we can do this buddy.

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