Developed Acute Tinnitus Six Weeks Ago — Wondering What My Options Are. Thank You.

Another prednisone dose out of desperation., plus some zyrtec and some klonopin. Surprisingly strong effects this time, I had quiet for at least an hour after waking up the following morning. Tinnitus still hasn't returned to baseline over 24 hours later, most of what I'm hearing is a louder than normal static/rushing wind sound effect. Quite bothersome when outside honestly, but far better than ringing.

Of course this is going to be very short lived. In each pred pack there are only two days where the individual gets a 40 mg dose, and after this I get very little if any effect.

And my mother is insistent that its insane for a 21 year old to even have 40 mg in two days, and I should be fine with 10mg a day for a week..
I kinda go with the logic that the hearing loss needs to be cured to undo tinnitus and forms of ear pain.
@Contrast what relationship is posited between hearing loss and ear pain? (Between hearing loss and tinnitus I well know.)
I am interested because I have intermittent ear pain + constant aural fullness besides T, H and HL.
Well I'm finally off the prednisone and I'm back to- or at least close to- baseline. The last week was actually quite nice, I could almost ignore my tinnitus even when trying to sleep. Considering that this was not my first shot at the pred- in fact perhaps the tenth time I've used it- and this time it was so much more effective I think we have a chance at improvement.
Somehow I missed my two year anniversary of joining this site, but I thought I'd mark the occasion anyway.

In the two years since I've had tinnitus, I've:

- Went on a retreat with friends
- Was baptized
- Quit the job I was working when I got tinnitus
- Cried more times than I can count
- Finished my associates degree
- Spent the winter of 2017 in and out of panic
- Made many new and closer friends after we found out we had tinnitus
- Celebrated my 21st birthday, got rather tipsy
- Became closer with friends I had only been distant with in the past
- Got back into a relationship with a girl I met in high school, over six years ago
- Found a new job
- Went on another retreat
- Quit working that job
- Went on an amazing vacation to celebrate 22nd birthday
- Had a massive panic attack during said vacation
- Started moving out of the house I'd lived in for ten years (almost half my life)
- Spent 4 months on benzos (Lorazepam)
- Tapered off after 2 unsuccessful attempts to do so
- Started mentoring a new friend in my group
- Went on another retreat
- Sold the house
- Became NSC certified
- Got accepted to take part in a trial for a hyperacusis treatment device
- Was dumped by said girlfriend
- Have all but completed my final requirements to graduate this semester, am considering attending commencement
- Am in touch with another university for my masters degree

(In order!)

So, all in all, I'm kind of amazed I'm still here. I remember, around the first month, all the way into the fifth month, thinking I wouldn't make it another day. That "the future" seemed so far off. That I wanted to die.

So much has happened. So much has changed. My life has changed. I've changed. I won't lie and say that I went to bed one morning and suddenly realized it was two years later... I did a poor job of protecting my hearing and I had several bad scares over the last two years. In fact, I'm kind of in one right now. My ears have started squealing inexplicably the last 24 hours.

But the life I've experienced in the last two years... I'm thankful I didn't kill myself. I felt loved and loved someone, forged bonds, spent time with my family, lived. Yes, those are experiences I would have rather had without tinnitus. I will not end this post by saying "I'm so thankful for my tinnitus" or some other silly shit someone with mild tinnitus would say.

It's tinnitus. It sucks to have. I will not shed one tear for my tinnitus the day it goes away or I am cured. I will only shed tears for times I felt alone, anxious, scared, terrified, for those times I thought my life had ended at 20. The times I thought God had abandoned me.

Hopefully in another two years (or sooner!) the only update I will bring is that I'm cured... or, at least, that tinnitus is no longer a factor in my life. The same goes for the rest of you.

The thought of another two years brings some anxiety. But, I am also just 22 years old. There are many here who have lived with tinnitus for three times as long as I have been alive. I must go on. I must make every effort to live my life as God would want me to.

Thank you for listening to my autistic rant. - Richard
I have prednisone available (in pill form) and I can have amitriptyline prescribed. Anything else I should know about?
Just wanted to provide some support. Hyperacusis almost always improves or goes away completely. Hyperacusis is also strongly tied to stress and being in constant fight-or-flight mode. In fact, all your senses will be more sensitive and sleep will also be difficult. When my tinnitus started I had no hyperacusis. About a year later my tinnitus became bilateral and developed hyperacusis. I started having panic attacks and this multiplied the symptoms by 10x. Over time the hyperacusis completely went away and my tinnitus is at baseline. Whatever you do, don't protect your ears from normal everyday sounds as you will make the problem worse. It will get better.
Just wanted to provide some support. Hyperacusis almost always improves or goes away completely. Hyperacusis is also strongly tied to stress and being in constant fight-or-flight mode.
What you're saying makes sense, but at the same time, doesn't.

I did not immediately develop hyperacusis after getting tinnitus. I would estimate it took a month before the singing at church service began to bother me greatly. Then it seemed to improve quite a bit, especially after finding a new job where there was always a steady background noise.

Then especially after my panic attack in June shit seemed to get really bad again. My anxiety was (and remains) really bad, people talking in a group (not very loudly) would begin to hurt, and laughter, clapping, etc, more so.

It seems to have very slightly improved since then and worsened at the same time. Laughter and talking seems to have improved quite a bit, and no longer bothers me, but sometimes pounding away at my keyboard is bothersome. The only noise "trauma" I have sustained in the last week was an overly loud radio being turned on. Ambulance sirens outside my apartment bug the shit out of me. My hyperacusis seems to be worse than ever and my tinnitus has definitely increased above baseline.

I've considered asking for even more prednisone but that would be my third dose in as many weeks.

How long was "over time" for you?
What you're saying makes sense, but at the same time, doesn't.

I did not immediately develop hyperacusis after getting tinnitus. I would estimate it took a month before the singing at church service began to bother me greatly. Then it seemed to improve quite a bit, especially after finding a new job where there was always a steady background noise.

Then especially after my panic attack in June shit seemed to get really bad again. My anxiety was (and remains) really bad, people talking in a group (not very loudly) would begin to hurt, and laughter, clapping, etc, more so.

It seems to have very slightly improved since then and worsened at the same time. Laughter and talking seems to have improved quite a bit, and no longer bothers me, but sometimes pounding away at my keyboard is bothersome. The only noise "trauma" I have sustained in the last week was an overly loud radio being turned on. Ambulance sirens outside my apartment bug the shit out of me. My hyperacusis seems to be worse than ever and my tinnitus has definitely increased above baseline.

I've considered asking for even more prednisone but that would be my third dose in as many weeks.

How long was "over time" for you?
I was where you were. It would hurt my ears while I was opening a pill bottle while the pills rattled around slightly so I know what you mean. All this happened for me a year down the line from when I developed tinnitus which was the strange part. I think it started when I was having severe panic attacks, high levels of anxiety and not getting much sleep. My doctor put me on beta blockers for two months which really helped me get back to normal. I would say the hyperacusis subsided 90% by the third month of starting the beta blockers. I don't think the medication directly affected the hyperacusis but it definitely lowered my anxiety and stopped the panic attacks. This gave my body time to go back to a normal baseline state. I still have a very slight sensitivity to sound but I would say it's 5-10% of what it was and only certain sounds at certain frequencies but even those don't hurt my ears, I can just "feel" them more than other sounds.

Something else that may be at play here. I believe if you focus on sounds bothering you, they will bother you more. For example if I tell myself opening a pill bottle is going to hurt my ears, it ends up doing exactly that because I'm actively focusing on my hearing. During the period I was on the beta blockers, I seemed to forget my hearing all together. In other words, I would go days without the word "tinnitus" or "hyperacusis" crossing my mind where as before, it was on my mind from the time I woke up to when I slept. There's definitely a mental factor in all this that most of us share here which puts us in a worse state than we would normally be in. I'm not discounting people's severity of tinnitus and hyperacusis but we have the mental capability of putting ourselves in a vicious cycle that prevents us from healing.
Hey guys, I think I fucked up. Or at least my doctor did.

I was given a hydrocortisone acetic acid solution for a fungal ear infection brought on by a treatment given for a normal ear infection in October/November.

I poured the drops in at noon yesterday and immediately noticed I was not only getting an usual level of blockage and increased ringing, but that the solution was not draining. It almost felt like it had become gel-like and was staying put. It took a solid half hour of laying on my side to get just enough drainage that the occlusion effect went away. In the mean time there was a lot of pain, like a scratching, shooting sensation in that ear, my hearing has remained very muffled (I would estimate 50% gone) and the tinnitus is just unbearable. I mean at least four times louder than it was, and the blockage sensation brings increased distress.

I've been laying on my side for a good portion of the last 20 hours and am still dealing with this. I am horrified at the possibility that the solution being jammed in my ear may have some long term effect on my hearing? I had to plug my ears when an ambulance rode by earlier.

I have a doctor's appointment in 3 hours and am praying they can remove what is in my ear. Obviously suction is out.

Sorry, I'm in a pretty bad place right now and could use a little encouragement.
Hey guys, I think I fucked up. Or at least my doctor did.

I was given a hydrocortisone acetic acid solution for a fungal ear infection brought on by a treatment given for a normal ear infection in October/November.

I poured the drops in at noon yesterday and immediately noticed I was not only getting an usual level of blockage and increased ringing, but that the solution was not draining. It almost felt like it had become gel-like and was staying put. It took a solid half hour of laying on my side to get just enough drainage that the occlusion effect went away. In the mean time there was a lot of pain, like a scratching, shooting sensation in that ear, my hearing has remained very muffled (I would estimate 50% gone) and the tinnitus is just unbearable. I mean at least four times louder than it was, and the blockage sensation brings increased distress.

I've been laying on my side for a good portion of the last 20 hours and am still dealing with this. I am horrified at the possibility that the solution being jammed in my ear may have some long term effect on my hearing? I had to plug my ears when an ambulance rode by earlier.

I have a doctor's appointment in 3 hours and am praying they can remove what is in my ear. Obviously suction is out.

Sorry, I'm in a pretty bad place right now and could use a little encouragement.

I am sorry to hear about your present experience, @RichardGuy.

The solution might have irritated your external and middle ear thus affecting your inner year (and tinnitus).

Try to remain calm as your symptoms should subside. Just let your hearing system heal. Please also be vigilant in what you put yourself on. Talk intently with your doctors about the possible side effects of the drugs they are prescribing you.

Just hang in there and sort things out and let your ears heal again. You will get through this.

Warm regards,
Hi @AlbertJ ,

I went to the doctors as I said. Doc was overall dismissive of my problem but at least took a moment to hear my complaints. They insisted on a hearing test which revealed nothing abnormal (except for a +5 to some of my higher frequencies) and insisted on an ear cleaning as well, which, combined with my ear infection, was quite painful. The cleaning did not solve the blockage.

I have continued the treatment as directed. My mother has suggested the possibility of a burst/punctured ear drum holding in fluid, due to the ear infection, but the hearing test, which did everything but the Acoustic reflex test, again revealed nothing unusual.

In fact, my hearing seems fine, despite feeling physically blocked, and the tinnitus on the left side being so much louder than the right side, which is usually louder than the left.

Should I be looking into suction? Peroxide in that ear? I'm probably going to spend Christmas with this uber loud tinnitus.
Well, I'm having a good week so far.

I went back to the ENT yesterday and she "found" a fungal infection on the right side too, and inflammation on the left ear drum (although it seems to be "improving"). So of course I need to be taking ear drops on the right side as well.

I'll admit I had a nice little cry in the car. With my right ear blocked up with the drops as well, I'm having ringing that is so much louder than it once was, and the sensation of having both ears muffled really only compounds the distress. I know I just wrote a post saying I was in a good place and I truly was, but the last four days have been incredibly shit. On top of the reduced hearing and increased tinnitus I have terrible anxiety over what might happen to my hearing in the long term if I already have inflammation on the drum. The ENT did not initially tell me the severity of the issue. And the drops were not available for another 3 days. Lastly, if this increased ringing will go away and if my ears will drain this fluid.

I know I just wrote a post saying I was in a good spot and that was mostly true, but these moments where things are considerably louder are highly distressing and still difficult to get over at times.

I hope you will be having a better Christmas than I.
Well, I'm having a good week so far.

I went back to the ENT yesterday and she "found" a fungal infection on the right side too, and inflammation on the left ear drum (although it seems to be "improving"). So of course I need to be taking ear drops on the right side as well.

I'll admit I had a nice little cry in the car. With my right ear blocked up with the drops as well, I'm having ringing that is so much louder than it once was, and the sensation of having both ears muffled really only compounds the distress. I know I just wrote a post saying I was in a good place and I truly was, but the last four days have been incredibly shit. On top of the reduced hearing and increased tinnitus I have terrible anxiety over what might happen to my hearing in the long term if I already have inflammation on the drum. The ENT did not initially tell me the severity of the issue. And the drops were not available for another 3 days. Lastly, if this increased ringing will go away and if my ears will drain this fluid.

I know I just wrote a post saying I was in a good spot and that was mostly true, but these moments where things are considerably louder are highly distressing and still difficult to get over at times.

I hope you will be having a better Christmas than I.

Hello @RichardGuy. I am sorry for my late reply. How are you doing now?

I think that the inflammation in your ears has largely contributed to the increase in your tinnitus loudness.

What did the doctor say about your eustachian tubes?
Hello @RichardGuy. I am sorry for my late reply. How are you doing now?

I think that the inflammation in your ears has largely contributed to the increase in your tinnitus loudness.

What did the doctor say about your eustachian tubes?

Absolutely nothing about the eustachian tubes, though I am due in for a follow up on the 10th.

The loudness has come back down significantly, though not to the level where it was, and there are definitely new tones that have stayed around. The fluid still refuses to fully drain and the crust from the solution remains, making it hard to plug my ears.

To make matters worse my ENT did sign a prescription for prednisone.... 10mg per day, for 10 days! I can't take it as prescribed, because of my initial evaluation for the hyperacusis trial near me on the 7th. I have strongly considered taking it as a taper pack (40mg day 1, 30 mg day 2, etc) but I don't know if that is safe.

I haven't used ACRN for masking for the last three days, but that's not really tied to the reduction in volume. I think it's a serious effort to habituate, but I'm running into problems. Even if it isn't too bad in most situations it's unbearable driving around. I don't know why.

Thank you for asking. I'm going to @Bill Bauer as he always seems quite helpful as well.
10mg or even 40mg is not enough... I'd go to a minute clinic and get a 5 day does pack and combine them to hit at least 60mg for 3 days and then step down.
From what I have seen, on here and elsewhere, is 60mg for 3 to 7 days then tapering.
Either way... I doubt it does any good.

For example...—-prednisone-pentoxifylline-lllt-laser.36893/
Thanks for the info.

I'm afraid the 40mg / 4 day taper is all I'm going to do for now. I don't necessarily want to lie to the staff when I come in on the 7th for my hyperacusis evaluation and they ask me if I have been taking prednisone. At least this way I am not taking pills immediately before my appointment! 4 days should be plenty of time for the stuff to be undetectable.

Also, I've been getting some pretty bad anxiety just after a few pills already. I woke up after 1 REM cycle last night, and paced around a couple hours, and had a little bit of a tough time tonight. It might be the fact that I am dealing with pre-post-grad stress, and my breakup, but prednisone is not for the faint of heart.
You have youth on your side... good luck!
That's not very encouraging. I know people three times my age who either don't have tinnitus or have it but are apparently unbothered. The one upside of this is "I may hear silence again, if medical advances make it possible" but there is also the possibility that I might not ever again... which is possibly another 50 - 70 years if the Lord's plan is for me to go out peacefully.

I'm envious of a 70 year old friend for just this reason. Whether or not a treatment ever comes she'll be beyond caring long before I am.

I see you didn't have tinnitus for a while. Can I ask the details of that? How old are you?
I'm 50, I had tinnitus in my 30's that (depending on this forums definitions) resolved, habituated... frankly I didn't think about it, never tested for it... knew it was probably there but I didn't care... now I have it pretty severe after a new trauma after not having it for around 20 years... and now it really... really sucks.

There seems to be new advances now, that weren't around for the last 20 years, so just hang in there for a year or two and science will have answers.
I'm 50, I had tinnitus in my 30's that (depending on this forums definitions) resolved, habituated... frankly I didn't think about it, never tested for it... knew it was probably there but I didn't care... now I have it pretty severe after a new trauma after not having it for around 20 years... and now it really... really sucks.

There seems to be new advances now, that weren't around for the last 20 years, so just hang in there for a year or two and science will have answers.

Wait, did it go away or was it habituation? As in, that 4 year period where you said you didn't have it.

I'm encouraged by the speed of medical progress but "a year or two" is a little optimistic when you consider the length of FDA trials. I've already had tinnitus over two years.
Wait, did it go away or was it habituation? As in, that 4 year period where you said you didn't have it.

I'm encouraged by the speed of medical progress but "a year or two" is a little optimistic when you consider the length of FDA trials. I've already had tinnitus over two years.
I honestly don't recall if it was there, or I was used to it, I never thought about it for 15- 20 years... it took about 2-3 years for me to not care anymore. Certainly 2015 until now... I never thought about it.

I was free from its clutches for 20 years, until the last 2-3 months thanks to medical incompetency.
Your brain at 20 will have more plasticity then mine will at 50.

So don't obsess, and good luck.
You've gotta be fucking joking man. I ended up right next to a parked car last afternoon when its panic alarm went off (a series of pretty loud honks). I immediately moved away from the scene but it hurt quite a bit afterwards, and I noticed as soon as I came inside that I had a new sound. I woke up a few minutes ago and my tinnitus seems louder than ever before and I have a strange rumbling or some other low frequency sound, like horses running in my ears.

It still hurts and I'm getting some fullness. Also, the tinnitus is just a 9/10. There's no way around it. Shit sucks.

I don't know what to do. Urgent care may not be able to hand out prednisone. My primary care and ENT will both be closed until Monday, and I absolutely can't afford another trip to the ER like what happened back in June.
You've gotta be fucking joking man. I ended up right next to a parked car last afternoon when its panic alarm went off (a series of pretty loud honks). I immediately moved away from the scene but it hurt quite a bit afterwards, and I noticed as soon as I came inside that I had a new sound. I woke up a few minutes ago and my tinnitus seems louder than ever before and I have a strange rumbling or some other low frequency sound, like horses running in my ears.

It still hurts and I'm getting some fullness. Also, the tinnitus is just a 9/10. There's no way around it. Shit sucks.

I don't know what to do. Urgent care may not be able to hand out prednisone. My primary care and ENT will both be closed until Monday, and I absolutely can't afford another trip to the ER like what happened back in June.
Really sorry to hear that man. Is there a way you can order loads of prednisone (for instances like these) from some online pharmacies in Asia?

I am planning to do this myself - however I live in Asia and probably the 2nd noisiest city in the world and the chances of stuff happening like these are more than someone hitting you with their car.
Really sorry to hear that man. Is there a way you can order loads of prednisone (for instances like these) from some online pharmacies in Asia?

I am planning to do this myself - however I live in Asia and probably the 2nd noisiest city in the world and the chances of stuff happening like these are more than someone hitting you with their car.
I live in FL so it wouldn't arrive in time.
You've gotta be fucking joking man. I ended up right next to a parked car last afternoon when its panic alarm went off (a series of pretty loud honks). I immediately moved away from the scene but it hurt quite a bit afterwards, and I noticed as soon as I came inside that I had a new sound. I woke up a few minutes ago and my tinnitus seems louder than ever before and I have a strange rumbling or some other low frequency sound, like horses running in my ears.

It still hurts and I'm getting some fullness. Also, the tinnitus is just a 9/10. There's no way around it. Shit sucks.

I don't know what to do. Urgent care may not be able to hand out prednisone. My primary care and ENT will both be closed until Monday, and I absolutely can't afford another trip to the ER like what happened back in June.
So sorry to read your story and what has happened to you with the car alarm. I have only had tinnitus for 7 weeks but already managed to run into about 5 new acoustic traumas making my tinnitus louder every time, so I know how you feel. I haven't been able to have prednisolone either, doctors refuse because they say it likely wont help.... Maybe take NAC and magnesium. It hasn't helped me but maybe it will help you! Hope it will go down for you soon!
"I should go to a community night and hang out with some of my friends, it's been a month since one was organized as classes have been out for break."

"Oh, here's my buddy from the Army. He has tinnitus also, so he should be aware of my discomfort around loud sounds."

Proceeds to whistle at someone six inches from my left ear to get their attention

That hurt. A lot. Still does.
"I should go to a community night and hang out with some of my friends, it's been a month since one was organized as classes have been out for break."

"Oh, here's my buddy from the Army. He has tinnitus also, so he should be aware of my discomfort around loud sounds."

Proceeds to whistle at someone six inches from my left ear to get their attention

That hurt. A lot. Still does.
Did your spike from the car alarm go down?

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