Well there are both good things and bad things about fluctuating T. Just like Markku told me before - on one hand, we get some relief. On the other, it's definitely more difficult to habituate. I had short moments of silence twice but now it's whistling 24/7. It still changes it's intensity from time to time. There's got to be something that triggers it.
In my case I had a theory but it was VERY far-fetched:
- two months ago I started taking a PPI medicine, a drug that lowers the amount of stomach acid.
- after I stopped taking it, I suffered from rebound (more stomach acid than before) and tinnitus started shortly after.
- T caused great stress and anxiety; I stopped eating almost completely, after a week tinnitus was gone.
- No more anxiety, I was back to normal eating again, tinnitus re-appeared.
There is a condition known as laryngopharyngeal reflux that gives symptoms such as cough, hoarseness of voice, sinus and even ear problems (tinnitus?).
But this was just a theory. I still have no idea what caused or what triggers it.