I know it is low power. If you take a look at his thread, you will see that he used more before.
However, he told me that he found out that it is more effective to do it weaker but longer.
However, I state that it is a fact that LLLT helps.
3.5mw is too weak to penetrate very deep
most of it if not all is stopped by the skin and bones
@Cityjohn oh good, I work in an office. I can were them at work, but I'll need to remember to take them off when walking around. I think I'll start with an hour and slowly increase over time. Thank you.
@Cityjohn oh good, I work in an office. I can were them at work, but I'll need to remember to take them off when walking around. I think I'll start with an hour and slowly increase over time. Thank you.
@Cityjohn And my red LEDs would be the same or similar to what you are using correct?
You have absolutely no theoretical fundamentals to support any of your claims, that's what is so hard to understand. If you want me to understand any of this you're going to have to tell me how the middle is mechanically causing a 16Khz tone, and how that would be physically possible.
Hell Japongus, all along I've been missing the subtle difference between a myclonic state and a tonic state. That paper reminded me that one wasn't necessarily the other.
@ehrfried can you briefly descripe your case? In which steps and after what times did your success happen?
Which supplements did you use ?
@ehrfried sorry so be so curious but you seem to be one of the rare cases of long term sufferers with good outcome on tt.
So you are facing tinnitus for 8 years now and almost reached perfect remission if i understood you right.
How bad was your T and how did the T get better? Did it fade away or did it disapear in steps?
Ok, I am all doing now (good sleep in silence, sports....) and have done it also before TT.cyanocobalamin tablets instead of methylcobalamin
When did it happen? Was it after the vitamin treatment?My first improvement was like 50% in one night.
Yes, almost complete for now. I started working on it this way in 2013 and it took 1,5 years.
Before, I did other things that helped a bit. But this is the most effective way I know for now.
Marlino, yes I am a rare case because people tend to give up after a while.
You always have to ask WHY are there only XY% of people getting cured from AB.
This is the problem....many people think....A study showed that 99% of the people dont survive Virus X.
Classic medicin concludes that you have a one percent chance of surviving it.
In fact, I state that this way of thinking is worthless in medicine. Medicine is not a casino where you can calculate with probabilities like that.
Doctors should always ask.....what is special about those 1% of people who survived virus X?
In fact, everyone that tried therapy had success so far. However, some people still give up after a few months and do not experience a complete cure.
Of course, things are in fact not that easy and just eating vitamins will give most people relief, but not a complete cure.....you also need to work on your health.
Sports, Silence, a healthy gut (so that you absorb more vitamins you eat -....and not just 3%).
How does it improve?
-First: It always happend over night as this is when nerves regenerate. So get plenty of deep, silent sleep!
-Second: The first improvements are the biggest. My first improvement was like 50% in one night. From 4% to 0.2% of TT, where I am now, took quite some time. Nevertheless, it is possible to get RID of it as I know other people who did (look at "Dustin Müller" on tinnitus.de for example. He is the person I learned most things from.
-Third: Changes are permanent but of course you can damage it again. And you are still more sensitive than other people....it is like a healing wound....as long at it is there....dont touch it!
And seriously: Get a silent sleeping place! The last two years i did not have one and only this made my TT worse, even though I made everything else right.
And it is so important that you dont give up. In my opinion, this is the "rare" case here. Most people, including me in earlier days....try a therapy....and if it does not work in e.g. 2 weeks....they think it does not work at all and give up.....
I was lucky enough in 2009 that I found a doctor working with vitamins.....well this was the first real therapy that helped.....and it took 3 MONTHS until I noticed any relief.....until then I always told him "it does not work :" and he, thank god, always replied "continue! You will see!"
Well.....actually this was the therapy which brought me from 100% to 4%....it was basically the same therapy but incomplete (e.g. no lecithin) and worse (e.g. cyanocobalamin tablets instead of methylcobalamin lozenges or injections, which are far more effective) and with the wrong theory behind (I got the vitamins to build up the discs in the spine, because the doctor thought it is the spine that causes TT......
It happened on May 8, 2009. Ha! I even remember the day!#Yes it was after taking vitamin B, C, D, Gelatine (for the spine haha!) for 3 Months. I only took cheap tablets where probably less than 1% was absorbed.....so take better stuff and the effect should come faster.
I know one guy who started by injecting B12....and a few days later he had the 50% experience.
Yeah I totally agree with you. It always goes in cycles.
I also measured this in my bachelor thesis with 5 patients....They all had cycles.
BTW I did not study medicine but I still made a thesis on TT.
Well......I think there are a lot more things you can still improve...
So many people think they live "healthy" but in fact they don't. bad Gut, Vitamin deficiencies, Virus infections......all those things are found in a so called healthy human being....and if there is suddenly a problem.....well....then it is often a real problem.
The problem is that the body can cope with so many bad states and wrong "treatments", deficiencies, etc that we notice it only by having less live energy (almost all people in the world are too tied all day long....) and if we notice something, then it is when we are e.g. 50 and made the same "mistake" for years already.....You know what I mean?
Why do many people go outside the same club and do not have TT or have it but their ears regenerate in a few days? I state it is exactly that reason!
The blood is a perfect indicator for that.
Check your blood for:
-All vitamins and minerals
-Virus infections like EBV (such a shit!), Borreliosis and so on
I am sure by doing only this you will find great opportunities for improvements!
Never give up and do not declare how much you suffer please. Put yourself on the winner side!
You should consider it as a Problem you have to solve. That's it.
The problem is that the body can cope with so many bad states and wrong "treatments", deficiencies, etc that we notice it only by having less live energy (almost all people in the world are too tied all day long....) and if we notice something, then it is when we are e.g. 50 and made the same "mistake" for years already.....You know what I mean?
Never give up and do not declare how much you suffer please. Put yourself on the winner side!
You should consider it as a Problem you have to solve. That's it.
As much as I like to rebuttal some of the claims and sources, or lack thereof, put forth I don't have the time for it. This thread is about a replication study based on extensive research which started at Harvard medical over ten years ago. It is centered around neural and synaptogenesis through mitochondrial transcription, mobilization, and re-polarization by making use of very specific mechanics involving very specific proteins in the neuronal mitochondria. Not so much a discussion about what tinnitus is, because it is explained here; https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/chapter-2-what-is-tinnitus.15681/
etc etc etc