Do Computers Make Tinnitus Worse?


Jul 21, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I am just wondering if computer makes tinnitus worse. Because I see people saying that Tinnitus makes it worse? Is it true or does it happen to some people Because I game on my computer a lot and I am just worried. My PC is almost silent, my fan cause some noise but thats it. Also, if I focus or test my T does it make it worse?
A PC would have to be extremely loud to make tinnitus permanently worse, but fan noise could irritate it - it irritates mine a little. Oddly though, computer games are very good for my tinnitus. Because I am so focussed on the task, I totally forget about it when playing.
I am just wondering if computer makes tinnitus worse. Because I see people saying that Tinnitus makes it worse? Is it true or does it happen to some people Because I game on my computer a lot and I am just worried. My PC is almost silent, my fan cause some noise but thats it. Also, if I focus or test my T does it make it worse?
No, unless the fan's ridiculously loud or possibly when your posture is bad. I have to watch out for the latter myself.

If you focus, on the game you're playing I suppose, you will most likely forget about your tinnitus, which is a good thing :) Stress can make the tinnitus spike or appear louder.
I find that anything which is exposing me to a lot of practically inaudible high frequency noise can cause a significant spike; this is stuff like flat-screen TVs, laptops (especially HDD spin and fans), some wifi routers, etc. My living room has all of these devices, and generally if I watch TV for a few hours, the high frequency tinnitus stuff will really be going bonkers as soon as I think to look for it.
I have the same problem when I watch TV on my big Flat screen, any high pitched sounds like sirens, or that beep beep sound when people are in a hospital bed with the heart monitor, and worse if they die and the beep on the machine turns into a Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, If I don't catch it right away and mute my TV it past that part, it really spikes my tinnitus for days. So I watch most new moves with CC on and no sound. The movies that I watch over and over don't worry too much because I know where the loud high pitch parts are at and I'm ready to mute. It really takes the joy out of watching TV these days. Even though My TV has smart sound on it, ( that keeps the sound at one level ) and does not increase even during the commercials. Any High pitched sound at even very low volume will effect my hearing, I really have to be careful and I am.


In the beginning 6 months a lot of hi-freq appliances would somehow irritate my T, i would also pick up frequencies from lamps and electronics.. Most of that went away fortunately. I did visit a museum with modern art a few weeks ago where there was this installation around an old crt tv, had to leave that room rather quickly..
Guess it's some form of H or sensitivity.
Yes for me this sensitivity is linked to the shit side effects of AM101. Computers , fans, electronic devices increases the level of my T instantly.
When you work in an office with a lot of computers it is a nightmare.
I have been around computers and associated equipment almost every day since the early 1980s. My tinnitus sounds exactly like the high pitched whine that old CRT monitors used to emit. It took me a long time to realize I had tinnitus; I thought I was just hearing electronics that nobody else was hearing. Once I realized what was going on, however, I recognized that the more I was exposed to the desktop computer that was sitting right next to me at home, the more noticeable the tinnitus was. I forgot about this after my desktop computer was replaced by a laptop and I moved to a work environment that was exclusively laptop-based. And then I got a new desktop computer, and my tinnitus really started acting up again. It was not extra-loud, but it certainly generated more fan noise and more coil whine (though not a lot) than my laptop. I turned off the desktop (for over a month now) and the tinnitus hasn't faded from my consciousness, but it is less annoying.

Audiologists appear to be pretty insistent that noises that aren't loud enough to harm your ears don't cause heightened symptoms. My experience suggests otherwise.

I am just wondering if computer makes tinnitus worse. Because I see people saying that Tinnitus makes it worse? Is it true or does it happen to some people Because I game on my computer a lot and I am just worried. My PC is almost silent, my fan cause some noise but thats it. Also, if I focus or test my T does it make it worse?

Computers and tinnitus

This topic has caused much discussion on tinnitus forums whenever it is mentioned. Some people refuse to believe that using a computer can make tinnitus worse, while others are more open minded about the issue. Then there are those that agree with me that using a computer can make tinnitus worse for some people, due to the EMF (electro magnetic field) that all computers emit.

I believe it would help if I explain the way near field computer use affects me, and the steps I've taken to reduce my exposure to computer EMF. IF anyone decides to try my suggestions their life might become a little easier.

In 2008 my tinnitus became increasingly worse for reasons I'm not quite sure, as I'm usually careful about being around loud sounds. One evening I was listening to a favourite symphony on my HI-FI and enjoying quite a lot turned the volume up but didn't notice any adverse effects. It wasn't until the next day that I noticed my tinnitus begin to increase. This continued over the next two weeks and times it was excruciating. I needed help, as there were no signs of it reducing to its previous levels.

After various tests at ENT I was referred to a Hearing Therapist and began TRT for the second time in eleven years. I didn't know at the time that my tinnitus would change so dramatically and affect my life for nearly five years. For two years I was unable to read a book and using a computer was a definite no. Every time I tried within a few minutes my tinnitus increased to unbearable levels that would last for days.

At the time I knew nothing about the effects of EMF from computers but was convinced it was causing my tinnitus to increase every time I used it. I spoke with two electronic engineers that also have tinnitus and told them about my problem. They mentioned some people with tinnitus are sensitive to EMF that a computer emits. I was advised to move my PC into another room and use a: wireless keyboard, mouse and external monitor. I was prepared to try anything so bought the relevant cables, wireless keyboard and used a TV as a monitor.

The advice that I'd been given worked for I was able to use my computer without my tinnitus becoming louder. Six years on, the computer base unit is still in another room and I use a wireless keyboard, mouse and external monitor. I also have a laptop. On many occasions, I have tried using it in the conventional way to make sure my symptoms were not psychosomatic. Each time my tinnitus becomes worse within an hour or two. I have persisted and the tinnitus reaches such unbearably levels I have to switch it off. I have passed on my experience to others that were having difficulty with their tinnitus and also use a computer. Some people have noticed an improvement after trying my suggestion, or reducing the time they're at the computer.

When I saw my hearing therapist in clinic, I told her what I'd done with my PC, and explained the effects of computers and EMF. That it can make tinnitus worse for some people. I was informed no other patients had mentioned it. I didn't pursue the matter any further and let it rest. Around four weeks later I returned to clinic as part of my TRT treatment. It was then explained to me that a few of her patients had talked about noticing an increase in their tinnitus whenever using the computer.



Computers and tinnitus

This topic has caused much discussion on tinnitus forums whenever it is mentioned. Some people refuse to believe that using a computer can make tinnitus worse, while others are more open minded about the issue. Then there are those that agree with me that using a computer can make tinnitus worse for some people, due to the EMF (electro magnetic field) that all computers emit.

I believe it would help if I explain the way near field computer use affects me, and the steps I've taken to reduce my exposure to computer EMF. IF anyone decides to try my suggestions their life might become a little easier.

In 2008 my tinnitus became increasingly worse for reasons I'm not quite sure, as I'm usually careful about being around loud sounds. One evening I was listening to a favourite symphony on my HI-FI and enjoying quite a lot turned the volume up but didn't notice any adverse effects. It wasn't until the next day that I noticed my tinnitus begin to increase. This continued over the next two weeks and times it was excruciating. I needed help, as there were no signs of it reducing to its previous levels.

After various tests at ENT I was referred to a Hearing Therapist and began TRT for the second time in eleven years. I didn't know at the time that my tinnitus would change so dramatically and affect my life for nearly five years. For two years I was unable to read a book and using a computer was a definite no. Every time I tried within a few minutes my tinnitus increased to unbearable levels that would last for days.

At the time I knew nothing about the effects of EMF from computers but was convinced it was causing my tinnitus to increase every time I used it. I spoke with two electronic engineers that also have tinnitus and told them about my problem. They mentioned some people with tinnitus are sensitive to EMF that a computer emits. I was advised to move my PC into another room and use a: wireless keyboard, mouse and external monitor. I was prepared to try anything so bought the relevant cables, wireless keyboard and used a TV as a monitor.

The advice that I'd been given worked for I was able to use my computer without my tinnitus becoming louder. Six years on, the computer base unit is still in another room and I use a wireless keyboard, mouse and external monitor. I also have a laptop. On many occasions, I have tried using it in the conventional way to make sure my symptoms were not psychosomatic. Each time my tinnitus becomes worse within an hour or two. I have persisted and the tinnitus reaches such unbearably levels I have to switch it off. I have passed on my experience to others that were having difficulty with their tinnitus and also use a computer. Some people have noticed an improvement after trying my suggestion, or reducing the time they're at the computer.

When I saw my hearing therapist in clinic, I told her what I'd done with my PC, and explained the effects of computers and EMF. That it can make tinnitus worse for some people. I was informed no other patients had mentioned it. I didn't pursue the matter any further and let it rest. Around four weeks later I returned to clinic as part of my TRT treatment. It was then explained to me that a few of her patients had talked about noticing an increase in their tinnitus whenever using the computer.

Thanks for that @MichaelLeigh. I had wondered about this as it seems to get louder when I sit to work. Unfortunately work involves Eight hours a day almost everyday of computer work. My computer is an iMac and so all in one computer and screen. Would be interesting to try a monitor and remote base station to see if it helps at all.
Thanks for that @MichaelLeigh. I had wondered about this as it seems to get louder when I sit to work. Unfortunately work involves Eight hours a day almost everyday of computer work. My computer is an iMac and so all in one computer and screen. Would be interesting to try a monitor and remote base station to see if it helps at all.
Hi Kelvin,
You might find the post below helpful.
All the best

It is quite understandable that some people will have doubts as to whether tinnitus can be made worse by computer use. I hasten to add, not everyone with tinnitus will be affected by near-field computer use but I know I am. It is for this reason, I have placed my laptop in another room and use a wireless keyboard, mouse and monitor in another. I also have a desktop tower in another part of my home and this is placed in a cupboard, and use wireless mouse etc with that.

Below is a message from a gentleman from another forum, which was written 4 years ago. He was having a lot of trouble with his tinnitus. I suggested that he move his computer into another room and use a wireless keyboard, mouse and monitor. He thought this a little drastic; so I suggested he reduce his computer use and see what happens. Approximately 3 weeks later he posted this message. He was in his 70s at the time. I have left his message intact so please excuse the typos.

Around the same time, I found a website that listed scientific reports about the effects a computer can have on tinnitus. The website is no longer active but I have a copy of the report, please find it below.

Big Improvement, by Paul Murphy.
Thanks to a member on here! ..... but I can't remember who he is
Someone on here said tinittus could be made worse by computer use ..... so I've reduced my time on computers and my tinnitus has almost gone.
..... so whoever you are ...... A big thankyou from me
Scientific reports

Tinnitus may be influenced by sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
Most tinnitus comes from damage to the microscopic endings of the hearing nerve in the inner ear.

If you are older, advancing age is generally accompanied by a certain amount of hearing nerve impairment and tinnitus. If you are younger, exposure to loud noise is probably the leading cause of tinnitus, and often damages hearing as well. There are many causes for "subjective tinnitus," the noise only you can hear. Some causes are not serious (a small plug of wax in the ear canal might cause temporary tinnitus). Tinnitus can also be a symptom of stiffening of the middle ear bones (otosclerosis).

Tinnitus may also be caused by allergy, high or low blood pressure (blood circulation problems), a tumor, diabetes, thyroid problems, injury to the head or neck, and a variety of other causes including medications such as anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, sedatives, antidepressants, and aspirin. If you take aspirin and your ears ring, talk to your doctor about dosage in relation to your size. One measure worth considering is avoidance of electromagnetic radiation (EMR)

All electrical devices generate EMR, including computer terminals, cellular phones and microwave ovens, which can be a primary cause of hearing problems including Tinnitus. A leading Swedish scientist, Professor Mild who is on the European Commission panel of experts investigating mobile phones, confirms frequent reports of similar conditions, as does Dr Bruce Hocking, former Chief Medical Officer for Telstra, the Australian

Telecommunications Company. In May 1997, Dr Hocking reported that people complained of developing a burning dull feeling on the side of the head where they have been using their mobile phone. It tends to come on several minutes after they made their call and may last for hours. Associated with this they may get feelings of nausea, disturbances in their vision and at times other neurological symptoms." People who spent long periods in front of computer screens often also report these symptoms.

Today we are exposed to 100 million times more electromagnetic radiation than people 70 years ago. EMR fields have a disruptive effect on the natural energy levels of your body and cause changes in the function of cells, tissues and organs. The reason for this is that all our cells are sensitive to EMR. Some EMR microwaves operate at a frequency that could interfere with the human body\'s own electrical chemical functions and disrupt them in the same way a TV or radio signal can be interfered with.

The result is that the body malfunctions and becomes out of balance. Without balance, we have health problems. All cell functions, including immune defense, are blocked; but above all - and this is the most important thing - the repair capacity of the cell, the ability to restore order to genetic damage is blocked. In other words, our own electromagnetic frequencies essential to our health, the repair, reproduction and replication of DNA can be altered by oscillations from outside sources of energy such as electromagnetic and electrical radiation.

Exposure to low level electromagnetic fields has been associated with a reduction in the production of the hormone melatonin. A powerful antioxidant and part of the human immune system, melatonin is produced by the pineal gland (located in the brain) at night, explaining why it is so important to avoid exposure to EMF\'s while sleeping. At night the body cleans repairs and detoxifies itself. If it is exposed to electromagnetic stress at this time, in fact any stress, then our bodies produce water clustering which inhibits the cell\'s natural detoxifying and repairing actions and intra and extra cellular activity (e.g. electrolyte exchange).

In 1994 cellphone interference with hearing aids was finally accepted as a fact in Australia, then in the UK and finally in the US in 1996. This is despite thousands of hearing aid wearers reporting over many years before then that GSM and US IS-54 cellphones were causing interference problems.

Use of a proven EMR protection device such as a RayMaster is recommended as it restores the body to a balanced state within hours. This will help your body restore itself to good health and more effectively deal with problems like tinnitus.

When I use my laptop in the conventional way something within it makes my tinnitus worse. Whether it's EMF (electro magnetic field) that it emits or the noise from the internal hard drive spinning at 720rpm I'm not exactly sure. I have 2 laptops and they both make my tinnitus worse. Not immediately, but after about 30minutes my tinnitus starts to increase and the next day it gets louder. If I still use it by the third day my tinnitus is unbearable!

I have a tablet computer but haven't noticed it made my tinnitus worse. It could be that it uses a solid state internal hard drive and therefore doesn't emit a noise which can irritate my ears. Each time that I use it It's usually just for one hour.

The above posts are just for information and left to the individual to make up their own mind. I won't be answering any questions regarding scientific evidence or proof, because I have none.

I will only provide my opinion and like Michael's not based in fact. My background is computers and engineering.
I build my own computers because store bought computers are beneath my standards on a myriad of levels.
Unless your computer tower is right next to your head, IMO a computer offers no EMR threat. None. A laptop is different. There is less shielding and its much closer to your head. A cell phone even though much smaller is the worst because it is right next to your brain. Reports of cancer due to constant cell phone use are real. Some have a pre-disposition to certain types of cancer that can be triggered by EMR. I also believe poor health and not just cancer can be manifested with too much EMR.

So what maybe truly contributing to tinnitus if you have a computer sitting on the floor next to your desk? As discussed, the sound signature. Truth is, before I had tinnitus I built my current desktop I am using to type this message which is built with a Swedish Case that is internally padded to emit very little sound. I can barely hear it as I sit in the early morning typing this message with no ambient noise in the room. Store bought computers have always bothered me due to poor insulation and loud cheap fans. Fan design, no. of fans, fan speed and computer tower internal insulation....and even solid state hard drives with no internal rotating platen have a major influence on sound signature. Maybe my high frequency sound sensitivity to cheap computers was even early vestiges of my H I have which I believe is mild and less than moderate but influences my life in terms of sound tolerance in every day living.
I can no longer tolerate loud music or sirens in the street for example.

So that is my take. A standard desktop offer zero EMF threat if on the floor and well away from your head. A cell phone offers a real EMR thread and no doubt new cell phones less of a threat than older phones because this metric is likely monitored by cell phone manufactures due to potential liability. A laptop 'may' offer some level of EMR because it is so close to a person's brain. And of course laptops with solid state hard drives now much more common are much quieter than laptops of yesteryear that used a spun up mechanical hard drive.

In general, it is the sound of computers and not EMR that may influence tinnitus and for some and not all, this influence maybe too small to measure or notice.
@stophiss You make a valid point about computer noise possibly making tinnitus worse and not EMR. This may be the case. I still have my PC tower in another room and use a wireless keyboard, mouse and TV as an external monitor in another. I can't use my laptop for very long as my tinnitus starts to get worse. However, I'm not affected when using my Samsung tablet.
I will only provide my opinion and like Michael's not based in fact. My background is computers and engineering.
I build my own computers because store bought computers are beneath my standards on a myriad of levels.
Unless your computer tower is right next to your head, IMO a computer offers no EMR threat. None. A laptop is different. There is less shielding and its much closer to your head. A cell phone even though much smaller is the worst because it is right next to your brain. Reports of cancer due to constant cell phone use are real. Some have a pre-disposition to certain types of cancer that can be triggered by EMR. I also believe poor health and not just cancer can be manifested with too much EMR.

So what maybe truly contributing to tinnitus if you have a computer sitting on the floor next to your desk? As discussed, the sound signature. Truth is, before I had tinnitus I built my current desktop I am using to type this message which is built with a Swedish Case that is internally padded to emit very little sound. I can barely hear it as I sit in the early morning typing this message with no ambient noise in the room. Store bought computers have always bothered me due to poor insulation and loud cheap fans. Fan design, no. of fans, fan speed and computer tower internal insulation....and even solid state hard drives with no internal rotating platen have a major influence on sound signature. Maybe my high frequency sound sensitivity to cheap computers was even early vestiges of my H I have which I believe is mild and less than moderate but influences my life in terms of sound tolerance in every day living.
I can no longer tolerate loud music or sirens in the street for example.

So that is my take. A standard desktop offer zero EMF threat if on the floor and well away from your head. A cell phone offers a real EMR thread and no doubt new cell phones less of a threat than older phones because this metric is likely monitored by cell phone manufactures due to potential liability. A laptop 'may' offer some level of EMR because it is so close to a person's brain. And of course laptops with solid state hard drives now much more common are much quieter than laptops of yesteryear that used a spun up mechanical hard drive.

In general, it is the sound of computers and not EMR that may influence tinnitus and for some and not all, this influence maybe too small to measure or notice.

@stophiss I was just wondering where an iMac would come in that analysis. The computer is part of the screen and so about 500mm in front of your head and at eye level. Thanks
@stophiss I was just wondering where an iMac would come in that analysis. The computer is part of the screen and so about 500mm in front of your head and at eye level. Thanks
Hi Kelvin,
Don't want to be the bearer of bad news but the biggest source of EMR is the power supply within the computer.
Unfortunately in your case (pun) with the Imac, the power supply is built into the case. As a purist, there are tradeoffs for space efficiency with the format you have...mostly noise, heat and EMR...and loss of power which relates to functionality tho your iMac is fine with great screen resolution as you know for the average consumer but more power can be built into a ATX motherboard than you can for your space restricted iMac which is built and sold to pander to aesthetics and Apple trademark. My computer case has three hard drives for example with backed up operating systems and extra storage and can't do that with an iMac unless externally interfaced. But typically a modern stand alone screen which emits very little EMF is aesthetically more attract due to size and profile compared to a IMac and a desktop case can generally be stowed out of line of Apple is pandering with the iMac which is 'ok' as a computer...just woefully overpriced for what you get.

So I suggest you keep your iMac screen with integrated computer motherboard, power supply and single hard drive as far away from your head as possible.
This article explains..preceded by a link and worth a read:

The EMF from these sources may extend about 18 inches, generally less. Newer devices (not just computers) generally emit less low-frequency radiation than older types.

Electrical engineers have learned to make power supplies, transformers, motors and screens which produce much lower levels of EMF. This may help you justify that new computer purchase you have been thinking about!

Just because the EMF only extends 18 iniches does not mean it is weak or harmless. Right at the source, the EMF might be very strong, perhaps 40 or 50 milligauss (mG). A borderline safe level is 1 mG.

So if a part of your body is in contact with the computer box, or your laptop, that part of your body could be exposed to a very high EMF.

When working with a desktop computer, keep the computer case on the floor, not on your desk. And position it as far away from you as the cables will stretch. Of course you can't do that with a laptop.

Lastly, subjects like this are always much more complicated in reality. For one, no two people have the same threshold of EMR sensitivity...just like tinnitus can vary tremendously among us here. Further position of the computer as Michael talks about...having it in the other room maybe extreme but having it 3 ft away on the floor is a good thing for example if you use it a lot for EMR and even sound signature and I am on line a lot and so it matters. Also the article points out modern power supplies are better in EMF emission because mfr's don't like to be sued for hurting people. :)

Hope that helps. Me personally with tinnitus....I would look to using a desktop with the case set well away from me as I do....but not in the other room which is safest of all of course and also you can't hear it in the other room which is bonus.

Good luck.
@stophiss always makes me laugh when you see a mac with an i5, a mid level gpu and a to be fair a decent amount or ram, being sold for silly money when you can put together a great windows machine for less. I select my parts on a website and they put it together and send it to me. Yes i could do it myself but they offer the service so saves me fiddling around putting it together.
Hi Kelvin,
Don't want to be the bearer of bad news but the biggest source of EMR is the power supply within the computer.
Unfortunately in your case (pun) with the Imac, the power supply is built into the case. As a purist, there are tradeoffs for space efficiency with the format you have...mostly noise, heat and EMR...and loss of power which relates to functionality tho your iMac is fine with great screen resolution as you know for the average consumer but more power can be built into a ATX motherboard than you can for your space restricted iMac which is built and sold to pander to aesthetics and Apple trademark. My computer case has three hard drives for example with backed up operating systems and extra storage and can't do that with an iMac unless externally interfaced. But typically a modern stand alone screen which emits very little EMF is aesthetically more attract due to size and profile compared to a IMac and a desktop case can generally be stowed out of line of Apple is pandering with the iMac which is 'ok' as a computer...just woefully overpriced for what you get.

So I suggest you keep your iMac screen with integrated computer motherboard, power supply and single hard drive as far away from your head as possible.
This article explains..preceded by a link and worth a read:

The EMF from these sources may extend about 18 inches, generally less. Newer devices (not just computers) generally emit less low-frequency radiation than older types.

Electrical engineers have learned to make power supplies, transformers, motors and screens which produce much lower levels of EMF. This may help you justify that new computer purchase you have been thinking about!

Just because the EMF only extends 18 iniches does not mean it is weak or harmless. Right at the source, the EMF might be very strong, perhaps 40 or 50 milligauss (mG). A borderline safe level is 1 mG.

So if a part of your body is in contact with the computer box, or your laptop, that part of your body could be exposed to a very high EMF.

When working with a desktop computer, keep the computer case on the floor, not on your desk. And position it as far away from you as the cables will stretch. Of course you can't do that with a laptop.

Lastly, subjects like this are always much more complicated in reality. For one, no two people have the same threshold of EMR sensitivity...just like tinnitus can vary tremendously among us here. Further position of the computer as Michael talks about...having it in the other room maybe extreme but having it 3 ft away on the floor is a good thing for example if you use it a lot for EMR and even sound signature and I am on line a lot and so it matters. Also the article points out modern power supplies are better in EMF emission because mfr's don't like to be sued for hurting people. :)

Hope that helps. Me personally with tinnitus....I would look to using a desktop with the case set well away from me as I do....but not in the other room which is safest of all of course and also you can't hear it in the other room which is bonus.

Good luck.
Thanks for that @stophiss.....your post is very timely as my iMac isn't powerful enough for my 3D CAD work, so I will look at a solution where computer is well away and I use a monitor. Being a pathetic Apple Fanboy ( and my software being Mac based...) the new solution may look like a very pricey cigarette ash tray from 1970.

If it helps my T then great, if not then nothing is lost.

My 'gut' tells me all this electronics in your face isn't good for reasons I don't understand.

Cheers Fella !


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@stophiss always makes me laugh when you see a mac with an i5, a mid level gpu and a to be fair a decent amount or ram, being sold for silly money when you can put together a great windows machine for less. I select my parts on a website and they put it together and send it to me. Yes i could do it myself but they offer the service so saves me fiddling around putting it together.
Because you understand computers Sam and the vast majority don't known anything about them. :)
But some people can create great art, play Mozart flawlessly on the piano and a myriad of other things better than me.
So we ain't all that either. ;)
@stophiss always makes me laugh when you see a mac with an i5, a mid level gpu and a to be fair a decent amount or ram, being sold for silly money when you can put together a great windows machine for less. I select my parts on a website and they put it together and send it to me. Yes i could do it myself but they offer the service so saves me fiddling around putting it together.

All true @Sam Bridge Bridge, but the problem is always the dreaded WINDOWS. A lifetime of software conflicts, missing drivers and windows looking for a solution has driven to Mac. As they say it just works. Takes away a lot of stress. Yes expensive, but re-sale is high ( unlike Windows machines ) and so they don't actually cost much to own in reality. Fanboy X
Thanks for that @stophiss.....your post is very timely as my iMac isn't powerful enough for my 3D CAD work, so I will look at a solution where computer is well away and I use a monitor. Being a pathetic Apple Fanboy ( and my software being Mac based...) the new solution may look like a very pricey cigarette ash tray from 1970.

If it helps my T then great, if not then nothing is lost.

My 'gut' tells me all this electronics in your face isn't good for reasons I don't understand.

Cheers Fella !
I think you are on the right track Kelvin. I have lived in the world of 3D CAD professionally and always best on a very high power machine as you know...lots of RAM, hard drive storage, uber high end graphics card and screen resolution...and mega processor speed...incompatible with your iMac for reasons discussed. Sounds like you know all this and good luck in what you decide.
Lastly, subjects like this are always much more complicated in reality. For one, no two people have the same threshold of EMR sensitivity...just like tinnitus can vary tremendously among us here. Further position of the computer as Michael talks about...having it in the other room maybe extreme but having it 3 ft away on the floor is a good thing for example if you use it a lot for EMR and even sound signature and I am on line a lot and so it matters. Also the article points out modern power supplies are better in EMF emission because mfr's don't like to be sued for hurting people. :)

Thanks for the post Stophiss, very interesting. Prior to 2008 when my tinnitus wasn't so severe and not variable in intensitity as it is now. I had no problems with near field computer use. After 2008 my tinnitus reached excrutiating levels of intensity and varied from: silent, mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe. Withing 15 mins of using the computer my tinnitus would increase and if I continued for 1 hour or longer the next few days I would be in torture. The tinnitus was absolutely hell and wouldn't wish it on an enemy.

All true @Sam Bridge Bridge, but the problem is always the dreaded WINDOWS. A lifetime of software conflicts, missing drivers and windows looking for a solution has driven to Mac. As they say it just works. Takes away a lot of stress. Yes expensive, but re-sale is high ( unlike Windows machines ) and so they don't actually cost much to own in reality. Fanboy X
You just have to have good timing with Windows Kelvin. MS gets Windows right every other Operating System release. Windows Vista and 8 were crap. Windows XP, 7 and 10 are pretty good. Yes driver compatibility and strategically obsoleting software for commercial gain is an insidious MS plot...still not worth it to buy an Apple. :)
Thanks for the post Stophiss, very interesting. Prior to 2008 when my tinnitus wasn't so severe and not variable in intensitity as it is now. I had no problems with near field computer use. After 2008 my tinnitus reached excrutiating levels of intensity and varied from: silent, mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe. Withing 15 mins of using the computer my tinnitus would increase and if I continued for 1 hour or longer the next few days I would be in torture. The tinnitus was absolutely hell and wouldn't wish it on an enemy.

Hi Michael,
You maybe very sensitive to EMF and perhaps many if not most tinnitus sufferers are. So a laptop probably isn't a good computer solution for you.
Hope you have been having many more good days than bad. I have been doing pretty well lately with an occasional spike I can't correlate with a single activity change.
Be well.
Hope you have been having many more good days than bad. I have been doing pretty well lately with an occasional spike I can't correlate with a single activity change.
Hi Stophiss,
Good to hear that your tinnitus is doing well and hope that it continues. I am not having to take clonazepam so often. When my tinnitus is moderate as it is now I'm fine so things are not too bad at the moment touch wood.
All the best
I am amazed with the amount of misleading information this thread contains. Instead of trying to fix what is affecting your T, work on treating the root cause of at T that is energy disregulation.

I can feel the pain of many in this forum
I am amazed with the amount of misleading information this thread contains. Instead of trying to fix what is affecting your T, work on treating the root cause of at T that is energy disregulation.

I can feel the pain of many in this forum
Are you the phantom of the opera?
By contrast, I find your posts droll and completely un-amazing in their similarity and lack of substance. It is you who transfer pain to this forum. I hope you get help.

Hi Stophiss,
Good to hear that your tinnitus is doing well and hope that it continues. I am not having to take clonazepam so often. When my tinnitus is moderate as it is now I'm fine so things are not too bad at the moment touch wood.
All the best
Michael, I find a distinct correlation between engaging in activities I love with good people in my life and sense of well being with tinnitus fading into the background. If there is remedy for tinnitus it is lifestyle in my experience.
Be well.
Are you the phantom of the opera?
By contrast, I find your posts droll and completely un-amazing in their similarity and lack of substance. It is you who transfers your pain to this forum. I hope you get help.
Stophiss. You have a unique way of saying things that hits straight at the heart with a nice touch of All the person in question keeps repeating in every post is "disregulation" and what people should do to improve their tinnitus, yet hasn't written one post to help anyone other than to use expletives like B-S to try and get a point across when there is no answer. Please keep the humour coming Stophiss ;)

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