Has it always been low, or has it been loud initially only to fade?
Like everyone that develops tinnitus especially when it is severe the experience is unique to them. To describe my tinnitus and severe hyperacusis as initially loud and then fade which they did, would not be giving a true account of what I endured and the treatment I had which was of immense help TRT that lasted 2 years. There are many here that do not like to hear about its benefits and prefer to convince themselves it is ineffective without ever having tried. I have had it twice and know it worked for me.
All I will say on this occasion is that my tinnitus reduced to a very low level and was only aware of it occasionally, which didn't bother me in the slightest. In 2008 that changed dramatically. Back to my tinnitus as it is today. Yesterday evening I mentioned the tinnitus was completely silent no noise at all. This morning upon waking, on a scale of one to 10 it was at 10. Very loud and intrusive and for no apparent reason. I am used to this now and no longer get overly stressed by it. I decided to relax a while and within 20 mins the roaring tinnitus suddenly went as if I had turned off a light switch. It went completely silent but this is no longer a surprise for it happens regularly. Equally, it can be loud and intrusive upon waking and remain at a high intensity until I take clonazepam to calm it down. Sometimes clonazepam isn't needed and it will reduce by itself. This is not the same as a tinnitus spike.
PS: I still use Tiex twice a day. If I reduce or stop using it my tinnitus will increase.
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