No, I don't go to movies anymore.Do you guys still go to movies?
The new IT movie is now in theaters and I have been waiting for it over a year (I am a huge horror fan.)
If any of you still go to movies does your tinnitus spike from them?
I have been waiting for it for so long but I may still skip it![]()
No, I don't go to movies anymore.
I have attended 4 weddings including my own this past weekend and I am fine.
Congratulations brother!
How did you tackle the music issue? Quieter dancefloor? Earplugs?
Glad all is well
Nope. I don't think I would be able to enjoy the move while worrying about my hearing. Even with earplugs in... earplugs amplify my tinnitus and that alone would take all the enjoyment out of seeing the movie. I'll just watch it at home. Sigh, T and H have turned me into a hermit.
To me even watching TV is already loud !
So I have to quit the idea of going to the Movies...![]()
nope, no movies for me..never again.
Your auditory system needs to be desensitised @Christophe_85 use sound enrichment especially at night. Try not to make tinnitus run your life. Your hyperacusis can improve and I believe cured...You don't have to spend your life being afraid of sound.
From your side how are you ?
You are new on the Website...
Loud Music through headphones gave you Tinnitus ?
Do you also have Hyperacousis ?
Yes and Yes.
Are your moments with family and friends ok or it is difficult to see them ?
I am doing ok @christophe and thanks for asking. Just take things slow and your ears over time will not be so sensitive to sound. Try not to keep away from normal everyday sounds.
Take care
It is fine. I just don't like having H..i developed it from overprotecting my ears. I hope it fades away.
As I am also always scared if it was too much noise for my ears...![]()
Hopefully you will improve with time. I do understand your fear and anxiety about particular sounds making your tinnitus spike or becoming worse but try and not depend on earplugs too often.
Apparently yes it can go away...
I maybe overprotect my ears sometimes, but also it is hard to see the difference between barely bearable sounds and unbearable sounds to me...
So I usually prefer to put my earplugs...
Do you have T and H?