Dr. Nagler, 11 dB SL Tinnitus and Niagara Falls

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@Kathi and @Karen, do you think that the reason you were able to habituate your tinnitus is that it wasn't so bad to begin with?

Dr. Nagler, how I wish that were true! I've had tinnitus for many years (mild) until I took a blood pressure drug five years ago. Then, my mild tinnitus turned into roaring tinnitus, and I also ended up with pulsatile tinnitus, too, along with adrenal fatigue. On a scale of 1 to 10, my tinnitus was between an 8 and a 9. The pulsatile tinnitus was, and is, like a drumbeat sound that never ceases.

Five years later, I still have both T and PT. I have had many tests for pulsatile tinnitus, and a cause has never been found. So, I have learned to live with both conditions. It hasn't been easy, and I'm about as habituated as I will ever be. I still hear both constantly, and I have to admit I'm still aware of both every day. But I have learned how to cope.

Yes, I do think it is easier for people who have mild tinnitus to habituate, and I wish I were one of those people. It has taken me five years to get to this point, and I am hoping mine will remain about the same.
So apparently it wasn't a walk in the park for @Karen either.
as i said that is NOT what I was referring to! Tho Nag would want you to believe it.
Street Spirit, my statement has absolutely nothing to do with what you said or anyone else. I am merely stating a fact. Again, this post was not referring to you or anything you said:huganimation:
@Kathi I somehow missed your post while in a blind rage towards Dr.Naglers post. I apologize and thank you!

You don't need to apologize @Street Spirit. I totally understand your frustration. Sometimes this isn't the best media for communicating. I'm sorry if I seemed like I didn't care about a fellow rider. I didn't realize you were referring to the fact that you can't ride anymore, and I know how that feels. I couldn't ride for a long time--I was too afraid to try. I finally said F*** it because I'm going to hear my T no matter what. I bought a 3/4 helmet that covers my ears and has a face shield (totally uncool) and went in September for Bike Week in Wildwood, NJ. I just did some short rides. With ear plugs, the helmet and the face shield I found that my tinnitus did not get any worse. It was a very liberating thing for me. I've gotten much better in the past year. I credit the moment when I let go of my fear for that.

I am here for you Lynn. I will support you as much as possible. Please know that Dr. Nagler, Karen and all the rest of the posters here do support you.
@Karen has been here from almost the beginning, she's never shown anything but compassion toward other members, trying to help fellow sufferers to the best of her abilities (which are plenty).

Let's everyone remember that we aren't working against each other here, we are working for each other, which is something that Karen and many other members have proven time and time again.

Have a great weekend everyone! :)
I am here for you Lynn. I will support you as much as possible. Please know that Dr. Nagler, Karen and all the rest of the posters here do support you.
I really wish @Street Spirit would see that.
I guess u were one of those incapacitated by mild|moderate soft tinnitus and a whole year too.

What does your comment mean Dan? Not being adversarial here--just wondering why you would say that.
What does your comment mean Dan? Not being adversarial here--just wondering why you would say that.
Why not be adversarial? Call a spade a spade. It was a demeaning comment from the keyboard of a self-absorbed little man. What you have accomplished is quite extraordinary.
Ijust stated a fact....He is so proud of himself for overcoming soft T and sticks it to people who suffer. So maybe they would feel notguilty for not being like Him, knowing that 11db is the high end of mild T.
Why not be adversarial? Call a spade a spade. It was a demeaning comment from the keyboard of a self-absorbed little man. What you have accomplished is quite extraordinary.

Thanks Dr. Nagler--you're support is really appreciated. I'm not a confrontational person and want to see why Dan would say that about someone who has really suffered and is coping with two forms of tinnitus.
Kathi, I am glad for you that you are in a much better shape. Keep up the good work.
We got T nearly same time.

I don't know if my T is louder or milder. No one can look into the other ones head.
I hear 2-3 high-pitched tones around or above 15 kHz and loud, oftentimes louder than the shower.
If it is a little bit lower, I can cope better. If it is loud like today, I see it as catastrophic and I struggle through the day.

Nevertheless I made breakfast for my kids, I worked, I went to cinema with my kids and I even went jogging.
I do not see this as habituation. I see it as doing stuff even with T and not sitting at home becoming even more depressed. T screams at me and the whole air around me is filled with this electro plant sound.

Yes, I live with it, somehow. I live in the hope for habituation, but more in the hope getting it milder or a drug making it milder.

Great motorbike btw. I love riding cross motor bikes.
Ijust stated a fact....He is so proud of himself for overcoming soft T and sticks it to people who suffer. So maybe they would feel notguilty for not being like Him, knowing that 11db is the high end of mild T.
@Kathi, we all have to understand Dan. He has the worst tinnitus in the history of the world. He knows it for a fact. The proof is that if his tinnitus weren't the worst tinnitus in the history of the world, he could overcome it. And he can't possibly do that ... because his tinnitus is the worst tinnitus in the history of the world. Most folks here just pat him on the head and enable him. I don't. No, I am looking forward to the day when he has overcome his own tinnitus ... and when the only reason he posts here is to inspire others to do the same. And us enabling him isn't helping him one bit in that regard.
Kathi, I am glad for you that you are in a much better shape. Keep up the good work.
We got T nearly same time.

I don't know if my T is louder or milder. No one can look into the other ones head.
I hear 2-3 high-pitched tones around or above 15 kHz and loud, oftentimes louder than the shower.
If it is a little bit lower, I can cope better. If it is loud like today, I see it as catastrophic and I struggle through the day.

Nevertheless I made breakfast for my kids, I worked, I went to cinema with my kids and I even went jogging.
I do not see this as habituation. I see it as doing stuff even with T and not sitting at home becoming even more depressed. T screams at me and the whole air around me is filled with this electro plant sound.

Yes, I live with it, somehow. I live in the hope for habituation, but more in the hope getting it milder or a drug making it milder.

Great motorbike btw. I love riding cross motor bikes.

Hi Martin--It sounds like you are making progress--making meals for your kids and going to the cinema--what film did you see? Jogging too--why don't you see this as habituating to tinnitus? It is--just think about it--you didn't go to films before or jog or make you kids breakfast. That is progress. That is putting one foot in front of the other and getting on with life. It really is and I'm proud of you! I hear my tinnitus Martin--it doesn't go away. I just did what you are trying to do, get on with life. Eventually, you will care less and less about the noise. When you care less then your reaction will be less. Really. You are on this journey with me.
@Kathi, we all have to understand Dan. He has the worst tinnitus in the history of the world. He knows it for a fact. The proof is that if his tinnitus weren't the worst tinnitus in the history of the world, he could overcome it. And he can't possibly do that ... because his tinnitus is the worst tinnitus in the history of the world. Most folks here just pat him on the head and enable him. I don't. No, I am looking forward to the day when he has overcome his own tinnitus ... and when the only reason he posts here is to inspire others to do the same. And us enabling him isn't helping him one bit in that regard.

I wouldn't enable anyone Dr. Nagler. I just really don't know dan and wondered why he said what he did about someone who is very brave and loved by all of us. Thank you for what you said about my getting my life back--it does feel extraordinary at times. I never thought I'd get here.
You can be as flexible as you like, if your T is loud enough you WILL suffer no matter what you think or do.

The CIA uses noise (white noise 79db) to torture prisoners, if it didn't work on some people you can be as sure as shit that they wouldn't be using this method to mentally break prisoners. Do you really think the CIA would miss something like this? we are talking about the f--king CIA here.

I would like to see real proof of extreme T and people habituating to it, not just an old sales guy from the 80's runing all over the Internet preaching about how it's true (while calling people little, cowards, whiners etc) but has zero real evidence to back it up but has a shit ton of stories.

The stories get tiring after awhile. Mine is this loud or so and so has this, so and so has it WAY louder than a thousand explosions at once mixed in with the loudest rock concert to ever play on earth while sitting at the foot of a waterfall 100 times larger and louder than Niagra falls with a straight pipe from a motorcycle fed directly into her ear canal but...good news...after choosing to be flexible, run noise generators, a few hours of therapy, she now sits in a quiet room and enjoys a competitive game of pick up sticks with her 8 quiet children, 2 dogs (also former T suffers) and that goofy lovable husband..yay...I smell a success story :) :) :) :) :) :)

Having said this, I am pleased to hear of anyone who beat this but I agree with Dan, it doesn't mean your T was catastrophic, there are some people that just won't get better and will suffer and just have to work around it. Doesn't mean they are not flexible or whatever. Maybe they just have different T, not all but some.
Great post @Telis!
What He is saying is that everybody on a tinnitus forum that cant get over their tinnitus are inflexible people who only want to whine and enable each other.

@Kathi , no, he is NOT loved by all, but neither am I.

@Dr.Nagler, I would give my right nut to give you my tinnitus forever and see how you fare. If you habituate, I will give my left as well. (Sorry ladies)
@Kathi , no, he is NOT loved by all, but neither am I.

I didn't say Dr. Nagler was loved by all...the post that you made your comment on was referring to another poster who we all do know and love. That is why I asked you what you meant.

It seems that you and Dr. Nagler--who is well respected by me--are not on good terms. I do not wish to get in the middle of that...

I make no apologies for habituating...I don't have a straight pipe in my ear canal but my tinnitus is loud. I never said it was catastrophic and my heart goes out to all who suffer so severely.
Dr.Nagler, I would give my right nut to give you my tinnitus forever and see how you fare. If you habituate, I will give my left as well. (Sorry ladies)
When are you going to stop whining? You will never accomplish that which you choose not to accomplish. You are not a victim of tinnitus; you are a victim of yourself. Do something about it. Be a hero. That way we can all celebrate. And regarding the nuts you offered me ... grow a pair of real ones and put 'me to use conquering your tinnitus instead of complaining about it.
@dboy, high quality hearing aids have a feature called "compression," which in simplest terms means that at louder and louder volumes they amplify less and less.

Thank you. Yes, that was what I meant... that in the "Maid of the Mist" scenario the hearing aids are irrelevant: a red herring.

Your post is quite involved. I you don't mind, please restate your question. Thank you.

I did not have a question (although I welcomed constructive input). I stated my understanding of an answer to the question that this thread was begun to answer:
how is it possible he can hear a mild 11 dB SL tinnitus on maid of the mist?
I reworked of the details of what I said yesterday when you told me that I was mistaken and had "got nowhere". The gist of it is the same as that very post though:
the degree of your hearing loss means that even objectively very loud sounds do not mask your tinnitus
When are you going to stop whining? You will never accomplish that which you choose not to accomplish. You are not a victim of tinnitus; you are a victim of yourself. Do something about it. Be a hero. That way we can all celebrate. And regarding the nuts you offered me ... grow a pair of real ones and put 'me to use conquering your tinnitus instead of complaining about it.
For what it is worth (very little I expect) I strongly agree with what linearb said yesterday:
you are being abusive.
Anyways. .. @Karen @Kathi

Thank you. My apologies to you both..I was very upset...sorry if my feelings of bitterment or resentment came flying at you. They were not intended for you. It's a very very difficult time for me right now. So again, my apologies. I wish to not cause strife.

I am just sad and in pain, but I guess I am not allowed to be that according to Dr. Nagler. Maybe I just want ONE doctor to be sympathetic, but right, you don't give that kind of support Dr. Nagler....I shall never enter a thread with you in it again.
I asked because some people on this board have claimed that if you can habituate your tinnitus, it couldn't have been all that bad in the first place. That certainly was not the case with me. And it seems that tinnitus was no walk in the park for you either.

My point is that there are folks who couldn't ride and who now can because they worked at it. I couldn't even get out of bed some days, but I did something about it. You're not the only person who has had it rough. So I'm wondering if there's something out there for you besides the bitterness and resentment you have displayed in this thread. Because bitterness and resentment never got anybody anywhere.

So I'm wondering what the barriers you see blocking your road to progress.

Sorry last but not least Dr .Nagler..how dare you? Yes I have tried for 2 years to help myself! You have no clue who I am, what I suffer from, and what I have done to try to get better!!!! Am I not allowed to be bitter or resentful while my life passses me by, day by day, year after year?!

I just figured out why you're back.......

Believe me..no need to reply as I won't read it.
Anyways. .. @Karen @Kathi

Thank you. My apologies to you both..I was very upset...sorry if my feelings of bitterment or resentment came flying at you. They were not intended for you. It's a very very difficult time for me right now. So again, my apologies. I wish to not cause strife.

I am just sad and in pain, but I guess I am not allowed to be that according to Dr. Nagler. Maybe I just want ONE doctor to be sympathetic, but right, you don't give that kind of support Dr. Nagler....I shall never enter a thread with you in it again.

You don't need to apologize, really. We're okay. It is okay to vent when you are in pain and sad. I am sorry that you are feeling so down. I'm always around if you need to talk or need a friend. Seriously. I know you are dealing with a lot and I'll help anyway I can.

hugs ((((Street Spirit))))
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