Does anyone else have a habit of constantly yawning or moving their jaw to try and pop or open their ears?
I know in my case I may have ETD (seeing an ENT again in a week so we'll see what they say on this follow up), but I find myself doing this all the time even when not thinking about it, ever since I got tinnitus a few months ago.
Does tinnitus itself give the sensation of clogged ears or do you think that sensation really is more of an ETD thing?
Also, popping the ears does nothing really for the tinnitus in my case, but I still keep doing it as a habit now. Every once in a while it feels like it really opens for second and feels wonderful. Still, no change in tinnitus though. It's stubbornly always there. It hasn't taken a break yet unfortunately.
I know in my case I may have ETD (seeing an ENT again in a week so we'll see what they say on this follow up), but I find myself doing this all the time even when not thinking about it, ever since I got tinnitus a few months ago.
Does tinnitus itself give the sensation of clogged ears or do you think that sensation really is more of an ETD thing?
Also, popping the ears does nothing really for the tinnitus in my case, but I still keep doing it as a habit now. Every once in a while it feels like it really opens for second and feels wonderful. Still, no change in tinnitus though. It's stubbornly always there. It hasn't taken a break yet unfortunately.