Ear Roaring Noise Started Feb. 17th, Morphs Everyday, In and Out!

Gary & Karen,

I agree, everyone's T is unique. I think we all become somewhat paranoid about what we eat, drink, etc. I have my T protocols and they work for me. I refuse to give up everything I like, because of T. But I also realize what triggers can exacerbate T. It's sort of everyone, for his or herself.

I workout 4 days a week and my T screams right after that, but I like to workout and suffer the consequences. I like, good food as I described and wine and brandy at night and refuse to give those things up.

We have to be human beings, enjoying what we have and like, in order to defeat this demon in our heads. It's the most difficult thing we will face, outside of death. When I think of the expression, "a fate worst then death", I can't think of anything worse then T. However, we muddle through the darkness and hope to see the brightest of light someday!

"Live long and prosper"

God bless,

The supplemt I got is Rescue Hearing. Started it tonight.
robinbird, I sure hope they help, you just never know. You and Karen have the right idea, cleansing out your body is a good idea for everyone. I should do it, but I don't have the mental toughness to do it right now.

Do you remember where you heard "People who are Buddists think that T is something good"
Gary, Good Morning, I believe I was googling something like "Can opening your third eye (pineal gland) cause Tinnitus) I believe that is where I stumbled across reading somewhere about Buddusts !? I hear what you are saying about living life to the fullest Sailbman. I Intend to do just that but first I need to focus on what changes my body/brain are going through. A pattern is taking place. Been into this thing for a month now. So, I'll get back to you on that one. Bless you all❤️ PS Could use some of that Florida sunshine and warm weather now. March is coming in like a lion for sure. T is tame at the moment but still is bed OMG! Ttyl
Back from the Dr and I have Sensory Hearing Loss. He said hearing aids would eliminate the high pitch I am hearing. But at night I will hear it when I go to bed. It will cost a lot. But I am going back to audiologist for more information and hopefully a trial period. God bless you all.

I hope the supplement works for you! What types of herbals does it have in it?
You can see it in Amazon. "Hearing Rescue" by Bel Marra Health. Has a lot of good stuff in it. Twice a day and they are easy to swallow. Right now the ear is doing its most annoying time of day. But while I was crying my eyes out at my Drs office today, he reassured me that I will get through this and many do. It does become habitual. I hope hearing aids will bring relief as he and the audiologist say will happen. I hope someday soon there will be relief for all of us who are challenged everyday by this. Amen.

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