I haven't gotten the ear pieces yet, (WSG) and no I don't wear earplugs, the idea being that when those symptoms first manifest they can quickly, almost subliminally turn into misophonia, meaning that your brain perceives most sounds as a threat and in turn creates more pain in order to get you to go away from the sound. So in order to "re-habituate" yourself to sounds you can't eliminate sound entirely. Anything too loud that causes the head-jolting, knee jerk reaction of pain should be avoided of course, (if that's cars than avoid them for now) so try some medication/reducing stress, try making sure you're sleeping properly, visit a doctor, make sure you don't have your middle ear clogged or allergies, and then maybe you should seek out a doctor who specializes in TRT. I think all in all it's going to be about $4,000 (including hearing tests, WSG, and counselling) My doctor said he wanted to focus on the H first, and then isolate the T.