Favourite Video Games?

Super Metroid is my favorite game of all time (Hollow Knight is a close second - I love metroidvania games).

Fortnite has been great for me lately since I got my T for playing quietly and occupying the mind for hours at a time.
I also have an issue with regular games like chess. Who cares if you win or lose? It is difficult to do anything more meaningless than playing "games."
Really like Doom, hexen...old school. Also like modern games like Farcry, mass effect and I can play the Ghostbusters game over and over again.:)
I've been getting back into Starcraft 2 since it's free to play now. Loving the new changes from patch 4.0. Been practicing my Protoss matchups and am starting to handle Terran & Zerg players very well, but reviewing some GSL Code S pro games to get my meta knowledge back up to speed.
I've been digging Everspace recently. It's a bit of a grind at first but you get rewarded every time you die. I've been rewarded a lot! It's getting more fun by the day.

Intel i5
Gigabyte Z97MX- Gaming5 motherboard
MSI GTX 970 Gpu
16 GB ram
My all time favorite is probably GTA SAN ANDREAS since I spend tons of time in the san andreas multiplayer.
Lately I was getting into CS GO and wanted to go into high level of it but I cant play it since Im too scared to use headphones after my tinnitus started
Same here. I never played the older ones but I like all things Disney so I gotta try the new one when it comes out. Looks really good.

Currently I'm playing GTA, BF3, Forza Horizon 4, BF1 and Fortnite

You need to try the originals! If you love all things Disney you will love the originals trust me!
My favorite game series of all time is the Fallout series. But I have not tried Fallout 76 yet as I am very sceptical.

I also love hack and slay games like Diablo, Sacred, Path of Exile, Titan Quest ... they alway get me addicted for a very long time.

I also recently finished Assassins Creed Origins ... as soon as Odyssey is on sale with the season pass, I will dive into that :)

Racing games are also great as I am a car enthusiast ... so the sound of the cars make a good deal of the fun I experience with those games ... since I got T, I can only play games on low volume, so that took away the love for racing games :( I also gave up gaming with my friends as Headphones are no longer an option and also I can't stand hour long talking with others anymore ... I hope that time will fix my sensitivity so I can play on normal volume again and have fun with my friends.
Anyone playing Apex Legends?
I am, it's honestly an excellent FPS, combining the best aspects of PUBG/Overwatch/Fortnite/CoD into one game. My only issue is your walk speed is so fast that I find ADS aiming super difficult.
I agree, but I think they have addressed these issues to make it better. Also they have bullet lag in this game like in PUBG so it's not hitscan. This makes it harder to snipe people but more realistic. If you ever want to play, I'll send you my origin account name.
I don't where to start. I've been playing games since 1988 so there are many games... But some of my all time favourites:

ShatterHand (NES)
Megaman X (SNES)
Suikoden I & II (Playstation)
Final Fantasy VII (Playstation)
Castlevania Symphony Of The Night (PS)
Titanfall (PC)
Call Of Duty Series
Monkey Island 1-3 (PC)
Sam And Max Hit The Road..
GTA 1-5
It's impossible for me to list everything :D There are so many good games, I just cannot put them in any order. To be short: I love video games.
DOOOOOOOOOD! I solo'd all 3 play through as Axton. This is my second favorite franchise. Halo is first Remember Reach

Awesome:D. I am a solo Zero player, made it to OP8 with a little help:D I also finished the Pre-Sequel and am now waiting on BL1 remaster.

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