Welcome to the forum. You have received excellent advise from Glynis. I will add the following.
When tinnitus is new or at a new irritating level, it can cause much anxiety and panic. This can cause the fight or flight response and you will be reacting to things with the limbic nervous system instead of the usual parasmpathetic system. So it is advisable to get masking going so you won't be so anxious and fearful. Stress and anxiety are toxic to T. So try masking if you haven't done so. I used to mask all day just to prevent panic attacks from hearing my ultra high pitch loud dog whistle T. Try these if you haven't yet:
1) Mask at bed time so you can sleep better. Find whatever sounds/music that are soothing to you. You can use a sound machine or sound pillow for this, or a computer with speakers.
2) If you need masking on the go, try load an ipod with nature sounds or music using itune. If you have a smart phone, you can download free APPs for soothing or T-masking sounds.
3) If you have computer and speakers, you can try these excellent masking sounds too:
TT's audio player:
or this online sound library, particularly the self-mix nature sounds:
or download free sound generator 'aire freshener':
or search youtube with words like 'tinnitus masking sounds', 'white noise', 'rain sound' etc.
Also, try to read the success stories as many as you can. There you will learn some insights how to get better. If your T is from an infection, then it is probable that when the infection is over your T will fade. Even if it doesn't fade right away, you can learn some insights from others how to habituate to T. People do get better, even those with severe T at the beginning. A few years ago, I had both my ultra high pitch T and then severe hyperacusis. I was so fearful and panicking all day. Life was hard and I was in a mental and physical mess. I thought my good life would be over. But today I live a normal, productive and absolutely enjoyable life. I am not alone. Many members do get better. So read their stories to help you find comfort and hope. Here is my story. Check it out if you have time. God bless.