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There are many other studies and links but I don't want to bury you with information. Your subconscious is running the show at the moment and you need to stop it. That is why suggestions of doing an 'activity' that provokes your active consciousness, works. At some point in the video she will explain this, but I know from experience the powerful effect this can have. Part of the reason why I learnt to play guitar was to escape my thoughts, for a different condition, and it worked. It got me through. The same goes for tinnitus; if your conscious attention is rewarded by doing something interesting, then our subconscious (Amygdala) will no longer be driving our emotions. In other words, you take charge and stop your emotional centre from bullying and harassing you.
Once your brain becomes preoccupied with a challenge, or, something that makes you think, you won't perceive your tinnitus. Your attention is like a spotlight, it focusses on what's troubling you and that's why it's hard to concentrate when you have a problem.
If you go swimming for example, you may find that your attention will be forced into the present moment, and for the time you're in the pool it will be much easier to leave your tinnitus at the door. You have to work at it, but it works. You need something exciting to remotivate your active mind and drag you out of your own thoughts.
I've used this example before, but I'll say it again. Around 16 months ago, right in the middle of my 'dark' tinnitus days, I had to host a big charity event that I had put on. The room was packed with over 200 people, and I had A LOT to organise, not to mention the public speaking for an evening. It's something I'd never done, but the challenge of it pulled me out of myself. I distinctly remember completely forgetting about tinnitus. I was so absorbed that it never even crossed my mind or entered my consciousness. It truly highlights how our minds work.
Another example would be this: imagine you're awakened by a fire alarm and you suddenly realise you need to escape a fire. Your active consciousness would be fully activated because you would be living in the moment. You'd be 'awakened' from your thoughts essentially. During a time like this, tinnitus would not enter your mind. It just wouldn't exist. The point I'm making is not to go and escape a burning house, but to highlight that we are what we think,and if our thoughts are controlling us then we need something more compelling to distract us.
Make some changes to your life, and tinnitus will drop so far down your list of concerns, that you'll wonder why it ever bothered you.