Feels Like the End

Thanks @fishbone @Raphael7713 for the support. I have taken a break from supplements since almost two weeks, they weren't really helping after 5 months and I was a bit worried I was overloading myself. I will try to keep busy and stick to my new treatments that are currently targeting allergies to see if my nose and Eustachian tubes clear up.

Get a good anti-allergi nasal spray. And there is a video on youtube how to properly use one to clear the eustachian tubes the best way. You'll be fine. The hard part is identifying the problem, once it's identified it should be fairly "easy" to deal with the rest.
Get a good anti-allergi nasal spray. And there is a video on youtube how to properly use one to clear the eustachian tubes the best way. You'll be fine. The hard part is identifying the problem, once it's identified it should be fairly "easy" to deal with the rest.
My collection of nasal sprays is rapidly approaching the size of my supplement arsenal :LOL:

I've had one that's really helped but you can only take it for 3 consecutive days and the improvement didn't stay once I got off it.
Have you used a nasaline? Good to really clear up the sinus and getting rid of anything that may be blocking the sinus or the tubes. I use one from time to time and I think it improves my situation.

Considering a lot of my tinnitus is ETD related, I'm curious. Is it prescription or over the counter?
Considering a lot of my tinnitus is ETD related, I'm curious. Is it prescription or over the counter?

You can get it at all pharmacies..its not a medicin, its a tool. You boil water and add salt to it. After the water has cooled down you use the nasaline to suck up the water and shoot it in your first nosetril and then the other one.
On new anti allergy meds for the last week or so, no noticeable improvement as far as my nose/ETD. I was offline for the last week or so and I tried to live a normal life. Safe to say that hasn't worked out, I woke up tired today (after at least 8 hours of inconsistent sleep). For the rest of the day I have been experiencing dizziness/vertigo and I feel terrible. I'm almost at 6 months now and things have only gotten worse.

I was back online yesterday and I'm sorry to see that Otonomy's drug for Menieres has failed phase 3 testing. I feel like there is no way out of this for me. I have not broken down into tears or great despair, I simply feel like this is it. There is nothing left for me as far as improvement goes.
I feel like there is no way out of this for me. I have not broken down into tears or great despair, I simply feel like this is it. There is nothing left for me as far as improvement goes.
It's terrible when you feel like there's nothing you could do to improve the situation anymore.
On new anti allergy meds for the last week or so, no noticeable improvement as far as my nose/ETD. I was offline for the last week or so and I tried to live a normal life. Safe to say that hasn't worked out, I woke up tired today (after at least 8 hours of inconsistent sleep). For the rest of the day I have been experiencing dizziness/vertigo and I feel terrible. I'm almost at 6 months now and things have only gotten worse.

I was back online yesterday and I'm sorry to see that Otonomy's drug for Menieres has failed phase 3 testing. I feel like there is no way out of this for me. I have not broken down into tears or great despair, I simply feel like this is it. There is nothing left for me as far as improvement goes.

This really helped the fullness and pressure I had in my ears from noise induced T


Use it while you swallow some water and it really works, it also helped my "humming" Tinnitus

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