6 months have now passed. WE NEED HELP.
My fiance is almost manic most of the time.
She has been upped to 45 mg Mirtazapine but I can't see what difference this is making to her depression although her sleep is still ok now.
She wakes up in a morning pleading with God (who she doesn't believe in) to help her and give her silence back. For anyone to help her.
She won't listen to anyone, we have seen so many experts (ENT, Audiologists, Tinnitus Clinic) who have all suggested the same things to mask, exercise, keep busy etc. but she won't do any of it. She is off work literally, reading through forums getting herself into a hole of tinnitus all day everyday.
Every time myself or her family suggest to do the things she has been advised she gets so angry, nasty and violent at us and we are unable to get through to her she needs to do some things her self.
She won't accept any more medication due to medication getting her into this situation. She won't accept any advice or help from experts in the fields we have seen.
The crisis team have withdrawn help due to it being a 'physical condition' and they have done all they can do for us.
Her anxiety, depression and stress levels have been at an all time high for months and she isn't giving her body a rest at all.
She is out of control, she is suicidal. I don't know how to help.