I had gone to the same consultant group - different location and had vision testing and then laser retina surgery (successful) mentioned in
@TheDanishGirl link. This article has some informative information, as it touches on some important subject matter. Since I had tinnitus, I was then advised to go a neuro ophthalmology hospital. I had a two hour pre session and then an eight hour session with a large team of neuro specialists/doctors and neuro ophthalmology doctors. My thoughts from discussions with these care givers and from a 100 research articles is too much to discuss here in full.
SOME POINTS: They may be confusing and limited in though and not in condition(s) order.
First - My floaters are coming back - with eye pain and headaches, but eye pressure is normal.
The hospital neuro team required complete highly specialized head and eye scans before visit.
Radiologist notes.
Ventricles and extra-axial caf spaces are diffusely enlarged secondary to parenchymal volume loss. Mild hypodensity in the periventricular and subcortical white matter is present, most likely related to chronic microvascular ischemic changes.
This highly specialized radiologist (one of two within the USA) said these changes would have association to severe tinnitus, floaters and stress component influence. He said this is common - regardless what came first - tinnitus or floaters and other eye vision issues that may also involve retina or optic nerves.
All specialists that I saw, the neuro's, neuro's ophthalmology doctors and specialized radiologist discussed the following:
Reasons why some who first get floaters and then tinnitus later:
My first onset of tinnitus was caused from ear syringing, but I did not have pre floaters and did not receive floaters until after second onset due to hyperextension neck injury that later caused microvascular change. Some who get floaters before tinnitus do have myopia, but heredity is also possible and that can increase chance of developing tinnitus.
I was told that even though syringing caused first onset of tinnitus, that certain criteria that includes heredity is of question. Also either pre hypertension or sudden and brief hypertension moments (possible hypertension crisis) probably had taken place before first onset of tinnitus.
When my floaters appeared after second onset of tinnitus, I had just experienced a hypertension moment - rise in blood pressure and I tested. My blood pressure otherwise is always normal. Was told from all specialists that those who have a history of floaters and tinnitus - and it does not matter which came first, a hypertension moment can associate with possible cause.
A short list:
Many highly professional articles agree that brief hypertension moments or crisis, pre hypertension or pulmonary arterial hypertension can associate to eye problems and floaters.
A short list of other concerns:
Vein/artery/neck problems, A fib, optic neuritis, caf, and pulse type tinnitus.
Look at the poll numbers above. 80% have floaters and I assume that most also have tinnitus and that not all are over 50-60 years of age.