I love how your solution is stonewalling. Lol. I have a few more credentials at hand that allow more resources than simply pouring through forum posts which are biased anyway (though I've looked at lots, they obviously aren't exactly credible, but many journals are too, even paid ones frankly). I'm just surviving, not making big money. I don't owe you any explanation, time or sources when I've done the work and don't have the time to, and you won't heed any caution whatsoever where it's warranted. I scaremonger because there's a legitimate lower risk option which is basically in the bag now for the patient.You"can't be bothered" arguing with me yet you continue to engage with me. Mr. money-making big shot. If you would truly be unbothered you'd shut your mouth and get back to work then. You are 32 years old pretending to be an expert online. Reading forum posts on Tinnitus Talk does not count as expertise. I've argued with people before on this website but at least they came with some solid arguments. You still have not disproven anything I said.
I have no interest in engaging with you further because you have absolutely zero value to contribute to the discussion. If you want to respond to me because you have a fragile ego and want to have the last word, be my guest. But I'm not going to take anything you write seriously (and I hope no one else does as well) just because you claim to have a "background", whatever that means. Again, if you'd care about anyone's safety you would actually post some information then. But you are only interested in arguing for the sake of it.
If you had no interest you'd stop replying, so I guess I'm hitting some ego?
Maybe it'll work for you simply out of an unwavering placebo effect now that you've got a case of somethingtoproveitis.
All the best, don't get worse.