I have a girlfriend in Australia while I live live in the UK.
For those who are wary of flying here is what I did (p.s I suffered from acoustic noise injury, still have sound sensitivity).
I flew 22 hours. During that time I gave my ears some time to get used to cruising in flight for an hour or so.
During take off, I wore earplugs .
I would use silicone earplugs together with headphones when in flight and pretend I would listen to music but really I was just protecting my ears for "insurance" .
During flights Unread booksz played on iPad e.t.c.
For 22 hours I flew and 22 hours later , guess what , I was fine.
So if you are looking for something full proof , use your common sense, give your ears a break every now and then in-flight and protect when you feel you need it
For those who are wary of flying here is what I did (p.s I suffered from acoustic noise injury, still have sound sensitivity).
I flew 22 hours. During that time I gave my ears some time to get used to cruising in flight for an hour or so.
During take off, I wore earplugs .
I would use silicone earplugs together with headphones when in flight and pretend I would listen to music but really I was just protecting my ears for "insurance" .
During flights Unread booksz played on iPad e.t.c.
For 22 hours I flew and 22 hours later , guess what , I was fine.
So if you are looking for something full proof , use your common sense, give your ears a break every now and then in-flight and protect when you feel you need it