by chance I came across your entry around the ForgTin.
After your first postings about it (which you had already celebrated extensively in advance), our entire team was more than curious to see what would come out of your courageous self-experiment.
Posting 20.05.2021:
"After 14 days I can tell you that it doesn't help and that you don't have to waste any more time thinking about it."
Posting 26.05.2021:
"I'm now more than sure it won't do anything."
Posting 08.09.2021:
"I gave it a chance, I wasn't biased (but honestly I thought this was a scam to begin with)."
- You wrote that you bought the ForgTin used and still paid full price for it? That sounds like a really good deal.
- If you had bought it directly from our store, you would have received additional important information about the correct way to wear it, how to set the correct pressure of the individual softtouch silicone elements, instructions about the use of the APP including the initial login code, and the opportunity - directly with me the inventor - to have an initial conversation via video call about the correct use.
- The customers who are not quite sure about the mode of operation, usually use the possibilities of obtaining information directly from the producer. Via Tinnitus WebTalks under on our homepage, telephone calls +43 7722 22900, Mailconversation etc. This became already possible in our modern time.
- Regular customers receive all this automatically, most of them use all services, and quite a lot of them experience a strong reduction of their tinnitus incl. a strong reduction of neck tension problems, a strong reduction of jaw tension problems and a strong reduction of stress reduction.
In addition, we can provide clients who use the APP with additional tips for additional support during treatment. This is also used with pleasure. But as I said, only by those who want it.
The picture of your ForgTin shows a completely bent ForgTin in several places (you may have bought it second-hand), and also a silicone part that has not been adjusted correctly. – I would say – Your ForgTin is in a really bad shape and therefore certainly functionless.
In addition, the question arises whether this ForgTin is at all suitable for your ear size.
Have you measured your ear circumference?
- To use this picture as proof shows a lot of ignorance about the ForgTin) and then to call the ForgTin a scam - is more than brazen.
Also, buy used glasses with unknown diopter number to rant about it not working for you afterwards.
If you had contacted us, your tinnitus would probably already be considerably quieter.
Nevertheless, we will be very happy to assist you in acquiring an intact ForgTin with all our strength.
Please make a short classification in advance whether you belong to the group of somatic tinnitus patients.
You can find this on our website under "Tinnitus Checker".
Klaus Grübl - the inventor you could have asked before