I have a question on "Virtually no supporting cells for profoud hearing loss". I have normal hearing ability till 1500HZ( 5 db to 15db).. and then profound in 2000 - 6000 HZ. I have severe in 8K plus. But bone conduction tests shows that I have severe hearing loss from 2k to 6K as well. Also with my hearing aid, I can hear till 60db in 2k to 6k( Not sure how is this possible if no supporting cells to boost, but happens !) . This is bilateral sensorineural acquired hearing loss. Do you think i may benefit from FX322 ? If so, as per your theory, my 8K may go upto moderate or mild and 2k to 6k may not be benefited. Is that right? Also wondering what kind of candidates to qualify on Trial 2, where you Freq Therapetius wants to study efficacy on all sorts of hearing loss. There might be candidates who have complicated audiogram like me too.