After a long study of this very interesting topic, I am now posting my detailed opinion here:
I have to tell you a point of view that almost everyone here does not like: I am becoming more and more certain that the FX-322 will not cure tinnitus.
Yes, I am a stock speculator. Since the year 2000. Ups and downs, at least at some point I got myself a security in the form of a property. I would prefer to be very poor and not have 24/7 tinnitus. I bet you, my tinnitus is more concise, more annoying than 90% here (better not bet with me, I'm a professional

It is only masked by shower noises, otherwise it whines all the time and I can't enjoy anything. And no, no TRT, nothing like that can help ignore the beeping. Or that my brain gets used to it and the tinnitus becomes a background noise. No it won't, I had a mild tinnitus for 10 years before that and it was always the same, equally irrelevant and equally disturbing in certain situations, without any adaptation in the brain.
Now to the facts.
4 patients had an improvement in word recognition in Phase 1. Does this really result in a market value of possibly billions of dollars for Frequency Therapeutics?
I live in the country where the billion-dollar fraud was only discovered years later, when it was much too late: Wirecard (yes, I'm sorry, I'm from Germany).
If I wanted to target billions of fraud myself and would like to fake it, it wouldn't be so difficult to find 4 people who pretend they don't understand anything in the first test and then recognize more words a few weeks later.
Is that based on a market value of billions of dollars?
What confirms to me that Phase 2 will not be successful is the Frequency Therapeutics Twitter message from February, where the company again pointed out the (small) success of Phase 1.
As a stock market expert, it seems like this to me: This is an insider move. You recognize that Phase 2 is ineffective, and so that you can still find inexperienced buyers, you send out a positive message so that you can still sell profitably. The stock is going steeply downhill. I estimate: another minus 25 percent in a week (yes you can quote me on March 11th).
I am sure. We will have our tinnitus continue to live with us. I personally have perhaps the best therapist in the world, who always encourages me not to lose my positive view of the overall situation and lets me find my own way out.
And what helps me personally is the irrepressible love of my girlfriend (no, not because of the money, she is relatively wealthy herself). I realized that she too had to receive more than I had since my tinnitus worsened.
Confirmation that I know my way around the stock exchange: I recognized it all and sold it at the maximum price, see attachment.
Stay strong! Please, please!
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