Well, at this point it is very bold to predict whether this treatment will erase tinnitus for sure. A lot of people here tend to think if we cure hear loss then T will disappear.
We know T is related to hear loss ok, but we also know most people have their T gone after a night or 2 while keeping their hear loss (after a night club session or a concert for example). Most of my friends have their ears with T after a concert but they don't care and the next day it's gone. I was like them until one night it didn't leave my head, ever.
So we also know that we have somemting else broken in our system and it it seems that this broken stuff is linked to our limbic system, and maybe nerves, and maybe bla bla bla. Many studies point out to different things. Actually we know at the same time a lot and very few... or should we say that we know anyhting?
Let's just keep hope for Fx-322 to be our salvation and let's not be too in a hurry I might add. If this cure is taking the right path I'd say it still needs to achieve phase 2 and 3 before release to the mass market. These phases + mass production, international delivery won't happen before years. At the best I would bet on 2022 for an availability to "anyone" at fair price, if not later. Meanwhile other labs are working on T in Europe, big labs. Many articles tend to say there will be a cure by 2025 with all the means currently in use in the world. No doubt the lab with the cure will get lots of money, everyone will want this: young people as much as old people. People hurt after a concert, audio fans, musicians, everyone after 50, etc.
Someone said above that we may be the lucky ones who - unlike Beethoven - will live with T for years then without again. Our mental will be strong just like people who have been through intense stress, trauma or illness but be careful, these people also sometimes never recover completely because the stress was so intense their body/heart/brain keeps marks forever. In a more positive thinking, I sometimes think of Lance Armstrong who - whatever he took to physically improve himself - came back to life stronger than ever, ready to do everything to enjoy himself and life at its best. I guess it may happen to us, but sometimes when I imagine what would be my life with T, it does not seem that easy to process... My brain is sooooo much used to over-react to little noises that only me ever hear (because I mostly wonder myslef it they are in my head or for real) that it will take ages for that same brain to "reverse" and become normal again. Again, I haven't seen bed time like something cool for more than 10 years now. I don't like sleeping, I don't sleep much anymore. My hormons are fucked up for years now, my body does not know what it's like to live without high levels of cortisol anymore, and cortisol kills testosterone, kills nerves, hurts short term memory, etc. and destroy our ears even more. I loved sleeping before T indeed. I think learning to sleep again can take much longer than what we would expect, at least without medication. And bed time is just an example. Going out in public places without anxiety, enjoying a restaurant wherever you are invited without stressing about the noise level, the place it is, the people there to know if you'll have to act like a weirdo with ear protections in front of colleagues or customers, etc. etc. etc. All these things that most humans call pleasures may never come back again. But at this point who cares? All we want is a cure
We know T is related to hear loss ok, but we also know most people have their T gone after a night or 2 while keeping their hear loss (after a night club session or a concert for example). Most of my friends have their ears with T after a concert but they don't care and the next day it's gone. I was like them until one night it didn't leave my head, ever.
So we also know that we have somemting else broken in our system and it it seems that this broken stuff is linked to our limbic system, and maybe nerves, and maybe bla bla bla. Many studies point out to different things. Actually we know at the same time a lot and very few... or should we say that we know anyhting?
Let's just keep hope for Fx-322 to be our salvation and let's not be too in a hurry I might add. If this cure is taking the right path I'd say it still needs to achieve phase 2 and 3 before release to the mass market. These phases + mass production, international delivery won't happen before years. At the best I would bet on 2022 for an availability to "anyone" at fair price, if not later. Meanwhile other labs are working on T in Europe, big labs. Many articles tend to say there will be a cure by 2025 with all the means currently in use in the world. No doubt the lab with the cure will get lots of money, everyone will want this: young people as much as old people. People hurt after a concert, audio fans, musicians, everyone after 50, etc.
Someone said above that we may be the lucky ones who - unlike Beethoven - will live with T for years then without again. Our mental will be strong just like people who have been through intense stress, trauma or illness but be careful, these people also sometimes never recover completely because the stress was so intense their body/heart/brain keeps marks forever. In a more positive thinking, I sometimes think of Lance Armstrong who - whatever he took to physically improve himself - came back to life stronger than ever, ready to do everything to enjoy himself and life at its best. I guess it may happen to us, but sometimes when I imagine what would be my life with T, it does not seem that easy to process... My brain is sooooo much used to over-react to little noises that only me ever hear (because I mostly wonder myslef it they are in my head or for real) that it will take ages for that same brain to "reverse" and become normal again. Again, I haven't seen bed time like something cool for more than 10 years now. I don't like sleeping, I don't sleep much anymore. My hormons are fucked up for years now, my body does not know what it's like to live without high levels of cortisol anymore, and cortisol kills testosterone, kills nerves, hurts short term memory, etc. and destroy our ears even more. I loved sleeping before T indeed. I think learning to sleep again can take much longer than what we would expect, at least without medication. And bed time is just an example. Going out in public places without anxiety, enjoying a restaurant wherever you are invited without stressing about the noise level, the place it is, the people there to know if you'll have to act like a weirdo with ear protections in front of colleagues or customers, etc. etc. etc. All these things that most humans call pleasures may never come back again. But at this point who cares? All we want is a cure