My view is that whatever allowances get made to Right To Try provision, there will still be red tape attached along the way.This is why Right To Try isn't enough. We need provisional approval to let drugs actually hit the market earlier as opposed to a process that's riddled with red tape.
I do think this will happen via legislation and the FDA will also improve via reform, but probably not until at least a few years.
By that time FX-322 will already be out. But maybe these changes will help accelerate the release of OTO-413, Hough Pill, and other drugs.
For example I expect that they will still need the medicine to go through phase 1 and 2 before they contemplate a release. I am aware certain organisations like Hough said that if their research results are replicated in people then they will then consider a release after they do phase 2.
I cannot see anyway where the change to the law leading to easier access will happen without there being demonstrations that either the drug is safe and has benefit.