I use eTrade, which has a tab for that info. However, you can also get the info from the SEC website and Frequency Therapeutics' own website (though it's less user friendly):Thanks for this patorjk.
Do you have a website link where I can view how many shares do the CEO and Co-Founder have and how many shares they have sold?
I wonder what could be the reason why Christopher Loose is not selling his shares every 2 weeks. Maybe the results have been looking positive and knows he will make a lot of money when FX-322 comes out in the market and wants to maximise his rate of return on his investment.
Those sites will show the trades as they happen. I'm not sure if there's a way to look up current company ownership without deducing it from the trading information.
My guess is that Chris just wanted to diversify himself and thought the stock would climb and spike after September, so he setup a 10b5-1 plan. When the results got delayed he was probably unable to get out of it.