Ginkgo Biloba

If you have taken Ginkgo Biloba, did it help your tinnitus?

  • I noticed an improvement in my tinnitus

    Votes: 61 11.0%
  • I did not notice any improvement

    Votes: 274 49.3%
  • I do not know if it helped (e.g. took other supplements at the same time)

    Votes: 164 29.5%
  • I think my tinnitus got worse due to taking it

    Votes: 57 10.3%

  • Total voters
Tinnitus can be accompanied by mild hearing loss too. That type of hearing loss can be something you don't necessarily notice yourself in everyday situations, but is enough to trigger tinnitus.

In your case, you've lost some in the upper ranges, and that would go hand-in-hand with the high-frequency tinnitus.

Tinnitus can be accompanied by mild hearing loss too. That type of hearing loss can be something you don't necessarily notice yourself in everyday situations, but is enough to trigger tinnitus.

In your case, you've lost some in the upper ranges, and that would go hand-in-hand with the high-frequency tinnitus.

And it can go up and then back down all of a sudden. I could be doing anything and it goes up in volume an pitch then goes back down. Weird.
So, I'm giving Ginko Biloba a try...

Anybody here find any relief with it?

It is stated above (@erik) that Gingko Biloba will only help if your T is caused by blood circulation issues. That is a rather rare case. Also, if T is causes by circulation issues there are actual medicines for that (Cinnarizine, Serc).
So, I'm giving Ginko Biloba a try...

Anybody here find any relief with it?
the first time I took gingko was about this time last year. I got it because I had been playing music with my friends and my ears were horrible. For the first month or so it almost completely got rid of my tinnitus to my surprise. Then it stopped working and hasn't worked since. Probably just the placebo effect for me. Give it a try
This whole supplement thing does not make any sense to me , like taking vitamin C for a broken leg.
Tried all kinds of supplements , none of them did anything.
Having said that .. If it helps anyone , awesome. ;)
Since I got this TINNITUS, I hear a constant ringing sound and it bothers me when I want to sleep cause I was new to it.
Ive try everything, some vitamins, herbal and some kind of stuff that the doctor told me.
But when I see on the internet that ginkgo biloba Candice the ringing sound cause is make the blood flow on out nerve in the ear flow fast and I notic e that.
Now I'm back to my 50% normal life and hoping to gain more and I also gonna try camomile tea cause I helps to calm down our stress and loss our depression.

Wish you luck guys.
7th week since I got T from mild concussion. My ENT prescribed ginkgo+piracetam+vinpocetin. It's been 2 days since I have started taking the medicines and I have a spike amount of sleep seems to be making it better. It has changed from morse code to a constant tone since about 2 weeks
How can you know it's Ginkgo if you are also taking piracetam and vinpocetin?
I read somewhere on the forum that gingko can make it worse as it increases the circulation in the ears. I am wondering if gingko is the culprit. Having a bad spike since morning today. Pretty mysterious thing:(
I have prescription for the same ginkgo+piracetam+vinpocetin.
Well ginkgo and vinpocetin are blood thinners and anti thromboin
Which helps in case of stroke or blood clots..piracetam supposed to be smart drug.. make ur brain smarter..

That tablet cleared my brain fog not my T.
7th week since I got T from mild concussion. My ENT prescribed ginkgo+piracetam+vinpocetin. It's been 2 days since I have started taking the medicines and I have a spike amount of sleep seems to be making it better. It has changed from morse code to a constant tone since about 2 weeks

It could... ginkgo is spposed to improve circulation to the extremities and if it does that, then there really is no telling how your brain will react. Of course, getting off of ginkgo should reduce your circulation. So if you stop ginkgo and your condition doesn't improve then it might not have been the ginkgo at all.
One thing about tinnitus is unpredictability. It is unlikely ginkgo caused the spike. If in doubt, just cut it off for a few days and see. If the spikes come down, then repeat the test again to confirm. If it is not the ginkgo, then try with the other items on your prescription. Spikes are quite common among T sufferers especially newer ones. So there is no need to worry about it much. It usually settles down to baseline. The fear and worry about spikes can create stress which definitely can cause T to sound louder.
I have heard that ginkgo biloba can help with inflammation in the eustachian tubes also so I am going to give it a try, I have tried bioflavinoids and they have not helped me at all. My ENT actually recommended them to me.
I have heard that ginkgo biloba can help with inflammation in the eustachian tubes also so I am going to give it a try, I have tried bioflavinoids and they have not helped me at all. My ENT actually recommended them to me.

@tyty Yes, let us know if it helps. I found this link on Gingko from the Mayo Clinic:

Like most supplements, Gingko might be helpful for tinnitus and hearing loss, but rigorous testing is needed.
Here's a recent Cochrane review:

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Mar 28;3:CD003852. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003852.pub3.

Ginkgo biloba for tinnitus.
Hilton MP1, Zimmermann EF, Hunt WT.
Author information

This is an update of a Cochrane review first published in The Cochrane Library in Issue 2, 2004 and previously updated in 2007 and 2009.Tinnitus can be described as the perception of sound in the absence of external acoustic stimulation. At present no specific therapy for tinnitusis acknowledged to be satisfactory in all patients. There are a number of reports in the literature suggesting that Ginkgo biloba may be effective in the management of tinnitus. However, there also appears to be a strong placebo effect in tinnitus management.

To assess the effect of Ginkgo biloba in patients who are troubled by tinnitus.

We searched the Cochrane Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders Group Trials Register; the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); PubMed; EMBASE; AMED; Web of Science; BIOSIS Previews; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; ICTRP and additional sources for published and unpublished trials. The date of the most recent search was 12 March 2012.

Adults (18 years and over) complaining of tinnitus or adults with a primary complaint of cerebral insufficiency, wheretinnitus forms part of the syndrome.

Both original authors independently extracted data and assessed trials for quality. For the 2012 update two authors determined trial eligibility, extracted data, analysed data and updated the contents of the review.

Four trials with a total of 1543 participants were included in the review; we assessed all the included studies as having a low risk of bias. Three trials (1143 participants) included patients with a primary complaint of tinnitus and one (400 participants) included patients with mild to moderate dementia, some of whom had tinnitus.There was no evidence that Gingko biloba was effective in patients with a primary complaint oftinnitus. In the study of patients with dementia, mean baseline levels of tinnitus were low (1.7 to 2.5 on a 10-point subjective symptom rating scale). A small but statistically significant reduction of 1.5 and 0.7 points was seen in patients taking Gingko biloba with vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease respectively. The practical clinical significance of this is unclear. The incidence of side effects was low.

The limited evidence does not demonstrate that Ginkgo biloba is effective for tinnitus when this is the primary complaint.

Update of
I added a poll to this thread. Please answer it if you have taken Ginkgo.
I tried gingko and did nothing for me, I am gonna go with a bunch of different doctors to see where my t came from and defenitely, gingko did not work for me, my first ENT said it was due to noise, but I doub it!
I took gingko for 20 days along with piracetam and it did nothing for me. I think it's hyped too much when we perhaps have a couple of other suppliments which have indeed proved helpful for some sufferers. Better options are available
<well my T, sometiems goes away, or I just dont notice it, but soemtiems its just there, a lot, Im beggining to think It will stuck with me during my lifetime, Ive been doing yoga, it helps, been taking vitamin B for stress, havent notice any change, but if something comes out that cures this sympthom, please let it know
Just to check who is taking Ginkgo Biloba?

Does taking it actually worsen the T?

I am taking 240mg everyday and it seems to increase my T but not very sure if that is due to other factors.
It shouldn't be honest it probably won't have any noticeable effect at all either good or bad :)

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