Going Potty

sue cunliffe

Mar 17, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Not known
I have had tinnitus about 7 year on and off but since December it's been more or less constant now and is driving me mad
I have always managed it over the years apart from a bit of a breakdown a few year ago

I am so tired iv not slept for ages unless I take my pain killers for my shoulder
I try all the relaxing tactics but just can't seem to get a grip of it at minute

It's really getting me down any tips would help please

One very exhausted and fed up Sue
Hi Sue,
Sorry to hear you are struggling so much.
Do you know what might have caused your increase?
Have you had a recent audiogram?
First thing you need to do is try to get your sleep under control. When I first got my tinnitus I had to take a benzo to sleep. This was short term, then I read about mirtazapine on here and asked my doctor to prescribe a low dose for me. It worked wonders and I can sleep well now.
You might also consider Melatonin for sleep.
This is a great forum for support. You are not alone.
Sam x
Hi Sue,

You may want to try to adapt some techniques which may help put your mind at ease.

Some examples include yoga, walking, or any other form of exercise. Also, try to develop an evening ritual prior to going to bed, such as reading, listening to soft music, doing seek and find puzzles, or anything else that helps put your mind at ease. Lastly, try to limit liquids a good three hours at least prior to sleep.

I also have tinnitus, but for the past week or so have been going through a mid-life crisis (will be turning 45 in April), so I am trying to find peace myself so I can sleep at night. In my case, as soon as I go to the restroom at night, that's it... I cannot fall back asleep and it has been doing a number on me! It is psychological just like in your case.
Yep yep. Sleep is soooo important for me to get T under control. Without sleep I'm dying from the inside out. So please focus on getting good sleep again. And your T will get better again over time.

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