So it was my 21st birthday this past weekend so I decided to hit a few bars with friends. The first bar was loud enough where I had to talk loud to hear the other people at my table, and I was there for about a half an hour, no plugs in. The next two bars were pretty quiet, could talk in a normal voice. The fourth bar was a bit louder, but not as loud as the first bar. Stayed for about a half hour, no plugs. At this point I am a bit drunk, and head off to the arcade. The arcade we went to was very loud, at which point the plugs went in (musician ear plugs). Stayed for about another half hour and went to the last bar which was about as loud as the fourth bar we went to, but I still had my plugs in. All this was on a Friday, it is now Monday and I don't think I have any difference or change in my T. Does this seem normal, or would anyone else have a spike given the same circumstances? Looking forward to hear from you!