Head Buzz Tinnitus Completely Gone in the Mornings


Aug 29, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Very low since2004/Went haywire in 2018
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud noise in 04/Wedding dance floor and flying(?) in 18
Not my regular ringing tinnitus of course. I'm talking about a "head buzz/static" noise spike I have had for the last month now, which began about 8 hours after a flight. It has been pretty constant, going away at one point for two full days, only to eventually return.

For the last THREE days however, when I wake up, it's completely gone and I am left just with my regular tinnitus. I'm hoping this is some sort of good sign but who knows. The head buzz returns about a half hour after I wake up and get going and then it is constant pretty much all day long. Has nothing to do with a shower or eating because I have not done those things yet by the time it's already back. It's such a tease.
The last thing I heard was like a head buzz that you describe. It wasn't a sound as much as it was like a presence. Something felt rather than heard, like my head was feeling microwaves.
The last thing I heard was like a head buzz that you describe. It wasn't a sound as much as it was like a presence. Something felt rather than heard, like my head was feeling microwaves.

Meaning your sound subsided? If so how long?

Here's my theory... since I believe this sound was actually stress induced... When I'm asleep,
I'm gone, I'm out, and I go into a de-stressed state for those 8 hours and the buzz goes away. When I wake up this remains for a bit but all I can think about is what if it comes back/it's going to come back. Once my natural anxious/stressed state returns , the buzz comes back.
I too get periods of low, no tinnitus like this, usually right in the morning like you.
I too get periods of low, no tinnitus like this, usually right in the morning like you.

What's your story in a nutshell John? What kind of tone(s) do you hear on a daily basis?
Mine goes away completely in the morning, then returns when i drink coffee :hungry:...then stays until the next morning where it is gone again.
Mine goes away completely in the morning, then returns when i drink coffee :hungry:...then stays until the next morning where it is gone again.

Soooo have you ever thought about cutting out coffee? lol
Please try to use decaf coffee instead; you have a chance to make it stop.
I don't think it ever goes away, even if i don't drink coffee...my t will come back (albeit very quiet) as i go about the day...if i do chores, or chase after my maid or go to the grocery store...blood rushes through my ears and my T comes back slowly. Only in the morning for 1-2 hours I get complete silence. If I have T i might as well drink coffee, and OMG decaf....:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL: :huganimation:
I don't think it ever goes away, even if i don't drink coffee...my t will come back (albeit very quiet) as i go about the day...if i do chores, or chase after my maid or go to the grocery store...blood rushes through my ears and my T comes back slowly. Only in the morning for 1-2 hours I get complete silence. If I have T i might as well drink coffee, and OMG decaf....:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL: :huganimation:

I switched to decaf coffee, more expensive yet same taste.
btw i have this "presence" buzz T most of the time, when it spikes then it becomes sounding like kette whistle.

Buzzing is less annoying but it causes headeache on the long run somehow.
My head screams, I was diagnosed with moderate traumatic brain injury a few years back, I am wondering if this makes tinnitus worse, it's all over my head. I found after about 4 years this really calmed down until recently where I was exposed to some loud noise. Now back to brain shocks with high pitch beeps, smoke detector going behind my eyes, and above my ears. Noise when I move my eye balls.

I find it really bad if I'm driving for some reason, hard to concentrate on the road. Also, it seems to give me a serious headache everyday, I hope this is temporary after the noise trauma like it was the first time.

Anyone else have post concussion syndrome or any kind of brain trauma along with hearing loss and tinnitus? I remember having tinnitus as a young guy (before head injuries), the tinnitus was a eeeeeeee, sometimes would last weeks after a long night of clubbing and go away, or maybe it didn't and I just didn't realize I had it, but I don't experience tinnitus this same way anymore, wondering if this is due to head injuries.
I think you are lovely Bam, I wish I could ease your suffering.

Nanny I wish I could ease all our suffering. I really do. This shite is dreadful. I would dedicate my entire life to a Tinnitus cure even if it meant just making tea and cleaning the lab toilets for the eggheads making the super ear juice.
Coffee girl reported that she would rather have tinnitus than give up coffee! I can't see any connection either but my thought was anyone with TINNITUS might not say that lightly. @marc 1974 london
Why some people are here, I don't know. I think people get a kick out of talking shit, making stupid comments, and listening to others suffer. If you were suffering, I don't care what type of suffering, and you could get rid of your suffering by not drinking a beverage, then you would, anyone would. You obviously aren't suffering at that point at all, and if you are, no one cares if all it takes is a slight diet change to end your misery.

I like drinking booze and get really bad headaches the day after, maybe I should join a forum for people that suffer from crippling migraines.
You can't have TINNITUS surely with your comment about coffee. I wish I could have such bravado with something that makes daily living a torment
I have Tinnitus either way...whether I sit around drinking coffee or NOT I will still have tinnitus. If I am going to live my life permanently like this, I am not going to prevent it from ruining my life. Even when I had severe T my first year, I still drank coffee, it still made things louder...but at least it was therapeutic. For some people exercising will make their T louder, but they still exercise, for me it is coffee and I don't really care for a temporary spike.
Why some people are here, I don't know. I think people get a kick out of talking shit, making stupid comments, and listening to others suffer. If you were suffering, I don't care what type of suffering, and you could get rid of your suffering by not drinking a beverage, then you would, anyone would. You obviously aren't suffering at that point at all, and if you are, no one cares if all it takes is a slight diet change to end your misery.

I like drinking booze and get really bad headaches the day after, maybe I should join a forum for people that suffer from crippling migraines.
I think your comment reeks of ignorance and stupidity, you act like everyone in the world must have your kind of mindset: "I am suffering, so therefore everything must be miserable...there is no silver lining at all, there is nothing that can ease my suffering. If other people handle it, then there must be something wrong with them not something wrong with me." Bruh, you a grown ass man whining about other people's problems.
Fair enough if that's ok for you and it's your personal choice coffee girl. We are all different and cope with our T the best way we can. I like coffee too but it doesn't seem to affect my T, if it did I wouldn't drink it.
I wish you many happy drinks of your favourite beverage.
I don't think it ever goes away, even if i don't drink coffee...my t will come back (albeit very quiet) as i go about the day...if i do chores, or chase after my maid or go to the grocery store...blood rushes through my ears and my T comes back slowly. Only in the morning for 1-2 hours I get complete silence. If I have T i might as well drink coffee, and OMG decaf....:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL: :huganimation:

how loud does it get when you drink coffee?

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