Hello, I'm a New Member of TT and Also a New Tinnitus Sufferer

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by June Rex Ramos, Jul 10, 2015.

    1. June Rex Ramos

      June Rex Ramos Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      earwax remove using q-tip
      My tinnitus started last week , my left ear is feeling full and i decided to cleaned it myself using a q-tip but the worst is id pushed it further inside my ear trying to clean it , and finnaly my ear is fine .. but suddenly im hearing something inside my ear or brain i dont know where , later i found that i got tinnitus , already consulted to ENT doctor said my tinnitus is caused of ear wax impacted in my ear canal so she decided to clean it manually , and still got tinnitus before cleaning she said i will supposed to buy earwax removal and use it 7days straight and come back to him to finish it .. . is there a chance my tinnitus will gone after cleaning my impacted earwax ? . . . . . pls who have someone the same case with me tell me if it will get better :( cause i cant imagine living my life with tinnitus im only 19yrs old :( my studies are already destroyed because of this tinnitus
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Richard zurowski

      Richard zurowski Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear infection.
      Hi June Rex Ramos..... You should never try to remove ear wax with a q tip. What you are doing is pushing the wax against your ear drum then it becomes compacted this can then lead to noises which you say are experiencing. The method I use is olive oil, not the type you cook with though, you can get this from your local pharmacie that should lossen the wax after a few days. If that fails then you may need your ears syringing out by a Ent or doctor. Your pharmacie will tell you how to do the method with olive oil. Good luck wish you well.
    3. AUTHOR
      June Rex Ramos

      June Rex Ramos Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      earwax remove using q-tip
      thanks for the feedback richard , im already using airwax removal oil and my tinnitus is getting better hope in the future also ... i have an appointment for my ENT nxt week i hope she can already get that earwax hugging in my eardrum
      • Agree Agree x 1

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