Hi, I'm James. Nice to Meet You All!


Jan 18, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Hello everyone,
My name is James, and I have been a tinnitus sufferer for close to six years. I hope to meet some nice people on this forum and some additional tips to live with this nasty devil yelling in my ear :troll: .
All the best,
Hi, nice to meet you James. Six years? How did it start? And how loud is it?
Hello Vincent,
Very nice to meet you.
I've been working in construction since I was still a teenager. I assume it has got gradually worse when I got older due to the noisy environment I work in. It is only since 6 years ago that I started to really notice a high pitched noise in both my ears. Some of my friends at work told me it's normal and just a part of getting older. My doctor told me recently that it is not normal and recommended me to look for help.

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