Hi! My Husband Has Tinnitus...


May 18, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
High sound
:)Just a brief introduction...
It´s not I who have tinnitus, it´s my husband. Right now, I hope to find high quality recordings of Great Green Bush-crickets, which masked his T very well.
The T is such a pain for him, that effects so many things in his life, partly because of the lack of deep sleep.
Too loud sound in his ears just one time, next to a speaker- that´s the cause.

All of you who suffer from T- keep the hope up!

Kind regards!

Oh, BTW, English is not my first language so you have to give me some slack, ok? :X3:
Welcome to the forum and sorry about your husband's struggle with tinnitus. T is often a struggle for people especially when it is new and highly intrusive. I just replied another thread on some idea on sleep. Perhaps you can check this post out and see if these ideas will help your husband to have better sleep.


Here are some nice sites for masking sounds and some should have crickets. It seems his T is high pitch type. So all other high pitched sounds such as heavy rain, waterfall, wave, shower etc. should help him mask his T. All the best to your husband. God bless.

TT's excellent audio player: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/audioplayer/

or this online sound library, particularly the self-mix nature sounds: https://mynoise.net

or download free sound generator 'aire freshener': http://www.peterhirschberg.com/mysoftware.html

or click play to mix these sounds with this simple sound generator: http://asoftmurmur.com/

or search youtube with words like 'tinnitus masking sounds', 'crickets', 'heavy rain', 'shower' etc.
:)Just a brief introduction...
It´s not I who have tinnitus, it´s my husband. Right now, I hope to find high quality recordings of Great Green Bush-crickets, which masked his T very well.
The T is such a pain for him, that effects so many things in his life, partly because of the lack of deep sleep.
Too loud sound in his ears just one time, next to a speaker- that´s the cause.

All of you who suffer from T- keep the hope up!

Kind regards!

Oh, BTW, English is not my first language so you have to give me some slack, ok? :X3:

He's lucky to have someone that understands his pains and stays by him and try to help him. Masking/therapy/coping are the ways to live with this issue. Exercise is great as well and it can relieve a lot of the stress....

Best of luck to both of ya :)
Great if he can come on here with you for support .
It's lovely to see a partner come along and we can help you both around the clock ..
Love glynis
Welcome to the forum and sorry about your husband's struggle with tinnitus. T is often a struggle for people especially when it is new and highly intrusive. I just replied another thread on some idea on sleep. Perhaps you can check this post out and see if these ideas will help your husband to have better sleep.


Here are some nice sites for masking sounds and some should have crickets. It seems his T is high pitch type. So all other high pitched sounds such as heavy rain, waterfall, wave, shower etc. should help him mask his T. All the best to your husband. God bless.

TT's excellent audio player: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/audioplayer/

or this online sound library, particularly the self-mix nature sounds: https://mynoise.net

or download free sound generator 'aire freshener': http://www.peterhirschberg.com/mysoftware.html

or click play to mix these sounds with this simple sound generator: http://asoftmurmur.com/

or search youtube with words like 'tinnitus masking sounds', 'crickets', 'heavy rain', 'shower' etc.
Thank you so much! I´ll show him so he can check them out.
Great with tips, thanks. God bless.
He's lucky to have someone that understands his pains and stays by him and try to help him. Masking/therapy/coping are the ways to live with this issue. Exercise is great as well and it can relieve a lot of the stress....

Best of luck to both of ya :)
Thank you very much :)
In case your husband needs masking sounds on the go, and if he has a smart phone, try install some APPs with tinnitus masking sounds. If no smart phone, then perhaps an ipod loaded with nature sounds from itune will also work great. That was what I did back then w/o any smart phones yet.
Yes... he really regrets not wearing very expensive ear protection. Of course.
Well he's not the only one so. I tell myself that I just didn't knew. If someone gives you the choice to get T or not then I'm sure you'd say no to it.

I use a mini water fontain in my room. I bought it at a huge garden mall. Mine is high pitched too ranging from a plane engine (when inside of the plane) to a dentist plaque remover. Faucets cover it up rather quickly and I don't like normal white noise because my T is moving all the time (ringing, hissing and each ear had its own buzzing whistle that constantly changes frequency). A mini water fontain does mask it. Sometimes a bit too good.
All sufferers are reluctant heroes.
We do our level best to accept it and reach for habituation, but the journey seems so tough sometimes.
Best wishes to you both xx

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